College Connection | Summer 2023
College shares summary from recent discipline hearing
Report on Strategy 2023 demonstrates significant progress
College Connection | Summer 2023
College shares summary from recent discipline hearing
The outcomes of discipline hearings are public information and provide a greater understanding of the veterinary profession ’ s accountability to the public . Summaries are posted on the College website ( cvo . org / discipline-orders ) and findings are noted on the Public Register . Complete disciplinary decisions are available by contacting the College . The following discipline summary was recently posted :
Dr . Ravi Walia
As a result of a professional misconduct hearing , the member was found guilty and his licence was suspended for an initial period of three months .
The case involved a misdiagnosis of a dog ’ s injury as a torn ligament instead of a displaced fracture .
As well as having his licence suspended , the penalty includes a reprimand , and an assessment . The member also participated in a mentorship related to interpreting radiographs focused on fractures and orthopedic injuries , temporary stabilization of injuries , and treatment of fractures . Further , the member will complete online learning modules , a follow-up assessment and a peer review of medical records . The member was also ordered to pay costs to the College of $ 135,000 .
Dr . Khawar Hanif
As a result of a professional misconduct hearing on two cases , the member was found guilty and his licence was suspended for one month .
The first case involved a kitten ’ s health examination where allegations indicate the member hit and yelled at the kitten and was verbally abusive to the client . The member also failed to test the kitten for feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus .
In the second case , the member examined a dog and , after reviewing blood and urine results , recommended a kidney management diet . At another clinic , the dog was disagnosed with Cushing ’ s disease .
As well as having his licence suspended , the penalty includes a reprimand , a research paper , and three random medical records reviews . The member was also ordered to pay costs to the College of $ 65,000 .
Read a complete summary of these cases at :
cvo . org / discipline-orders
Report on Strategy 2023 demonstrates significant progress
The College ’ s strategic plan provides a focus to Council ’ s priorities and financial allocations .
With the launch of Strategy 2026 , the final report on Strategy 2023 has been released . The report concludes the College ’ s strategic advancement of five primary objectives over the period of March 2020 to March 2023 . It demonstrates Council ’ s diligent attention to making tactical progress in all areas , regardless of the pandemic conditions , and serves as a testament to the outcomes achieved as the world changed .
Key outcomes include :
• launched the Peer Advisory Conversation
• produced a Council position on Balancing Available Health Care Options and Client Access to Veterinary Care
• advanced the work to modernize the College ’ s governing legislation
• led a national project on limited licensure
• convened a One Health leadership table
• launched initiatives to improve drug management
• implemented changes to the complaints process to increase efficiency and compassion
• developed and consulted on standards for the new accreditation model
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