College Connection | Summer 2023
Policy work focuses on dentistry , acupuncture , By-Laws
College Connection | Summer 2023
Policy work focuses on dentistry , acupuncture , By-Laws
The College Council met at the Guelph office for its one-day June meeting . Council meets next on September 25 & 26 , 2023 . The public is welcome to attend Council proceedings in-person or to watch via the livestream . Council highlights and replays from policy discussions are available on the College website . Council considered the following items in June :
Veterinary Dentistry
Council continued its thoughtful discussions on veterinary dentistry . Council determined the practice standard should continue to support veterinarians in using their professional judgement in determining their own scope of practice .
Further in reviewing the accreditation standards , Council had a robust discussion on the use of radiography in dentistry on all animal species . Council confirmed the use of radiography remains the judgement of a veterinarian . In companion animal practice , the proposed accreditation standards include the recommendation for oral radiography as an integral component of a complete assessment .
A replay of Council ’ s discussion on veterinary dentistry is available on the College website .
Veterinary Acupuncture Risk Analysis
In Ontario , inserting a needle below the dermis of an animal , including veterinary acupuncture , is considered veterinary medicine . Since , 2016 , Council has been considering the need for clarity related to the regulatory oversight of veterinary acupuncture . College staff has provided research to support Council ’ s work in this area , incuding a risk analysis document which was reviewed at the June meeting .
Council decided to move forward with development of a position statement related to veterinary acupuncture . A replay of Council ’ s discussion on veterinary acupuncture is available on the College website .
Research Project Proposal
The Peer Advisory Conversation is a voluntary program until a mandatory Quality Assurance Program is in legislation . Through the conversation , veterinarians find support in delivering quality care and service , including tips for managing risk areas , insight into practice standards and requirements , and suggestions for continuing professional development .
Council considered a research project proposal looking at whether new graduate veterinarians who participate in the conversation benefit from the support of a peer to identify learning needs . The project could support new graduates in gaining confidence in their practice , engage veterinarians in quality assurance programs and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong learning in a veterinarian ’ s career . Following discussion , Council approved the research project .
Proposed By-Law Changes
The College Council reviewed proposed changes to the By-Laws .
One proposed change revises the procedure for breaking a tie among candidates seeking election to the Executive Committee . The change would provide an opportunity for two remaining candidates to give a short speech to Council , followed by another vote . If the tie continues , the process would be repeated an additional time before resolving the tie by lot . The second proposed changes to the By-Laws would be removal of the meeting of members . In 2021 , the Corporations Act was revised and the College was no longer required to hold an annual meeting of members . The Annual General Meeting is noted in the College By-Laws ; the proposed revision is to clean up the By-Laws so they are consistent with legislation .
The College Council approved both changes to the By-Laws to be circulated for consultation .
Strategic Plan
Council received an update on the early accomplishments in its new strategic plan , Strategy 2026 . The plan outlines focus for the next three years on legislative reform , access to veterinary services , innovation and technology , One Health , and focusing regulation on people . Strategy 2026 is now available on the College website .
Public confidence in veterinary regulation cvo . org 5