College Connection | Summer 2023
Sharing Learnings in Practice : Enhancing Team-Based Care
Building solid records
College Connection | Summer 2023
Sharing Learnings in Practice : Enhancing Team-Based Care
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What are the benefits to your patients , clients , and team ?
The clients are happier because they can get appointments in a timely manner . Receptionists are happier because they have availability in the schedule to help the patients that need it . RVTs are happier because they get a chance to use both new skills , and ones they already have . I am happier because my team is happier , and I get a chance to provide mentorship .
One example of a benefit to patients is related to nutrition . In the longer appointments with my RVTs , we are gathering very detailed nutritional histories from our clients . Our RVTs are already well versed in animal nutrition , and we can provide very clear nutritional recommendations . Everyone is winning here .
What challenges have you experienced and what adjustments did you make ?
Honestly , the roll-out has been pretty smooth . Clients have been very accepting of the new approach . They are familiar with the members of our team and know that we are all communicating to create the best treatment plan for their pet .
The greatest challenge has been for me ! My day is more unpredictable than it has been before . I ’ m seeing more challenging cases , more ‘ sick cases ’, as we now have more emergency slots available . I ’ m flexing my diagnostic muscles !
This new approach has provided not only more opportunity for patients to be seen , but also adds interest to my career and opportunity to develop my skills too . I ’ m able to see some more complicated cases that would have been directed to emergency or a referral facility in the past .
Building solid records
Medical records are central to safe quality veterinary medicine and continuity of care . To support quality records , the Peer Review of Medical Records ( PRMR ) assists veterinarians in meeting the standards .
Through PRMR , trained Peer Reviewers assess medical records of randomly selected practices and for those who participate voluntarily for a peer review . Practices gain insight into their record-keeping by identifying areas for improvement and of strength .
The 2022 aggregate report is an informative read to assist in your record-keeping . The report shares data from the first full year of the new PRMR process and highlights opportunities for all veterinarians to enhance their record-keeping practices .
For further information :
2022 Aggregate Report , Peer Review of Medical Records
Summary of Findings
Registrar Jan Robinson , Registrar & CEO registarsinbox @ cvo . org
President Dr . Alana Parisi , President president @ cvo . org
Associate Registrars Shilo Tooze , Associate Registrar , Licensure stooze @ cvo . org
Dr . Kim Lambert , Associate Registrar , Quality Practice klambert @ cvo . org
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