The outcomes of discipline hearings are public information and are intended to provide a greater understanding of the veterinary profession ’ s accountability to the public .
Summaries are posted on the College website ( www . cvo . org / Discipline- Orders ) and findings are noted on the Public Register . Complete disciplinary decisions are available by contacting the College . The following discipline
summaries were recently posted :
Dr . Sasha Black
As the result of an uncontested professional misconduct hearing , the member was suspended for two months and required to complete remediation activities including an assessment and a mentorship focused on the issues raised in the case . The findings of the case concerned the administration of excessive fluid , assessment and monitoring of a patient , failure to develop a differential diagnoses and failure to keep proper records . As well as the suspension , the member was reprimanded and ordered to pay costs to the College of $ 15,000 .
Dr . Derek Choong
As the result of an uncontested hearing , the member was suspended for 12 months for conduct unbecoming a veterinarian . The member was found to have accessed , possessed , and made available child pornography . The member is required to participate in a forensic psychiatric assessment , undergo counselling , treatment , or other course of action recommended by the assessor , and demonstrate that he is at low risk of repeating the conduct at issue in these proceedings . The member was reprimanded and ordered to pays costs to the College of $ 5,000 .
Dr . Sergiy Dariy
As a result of a contested professional misconduct hearing , the member was suspended for four months following multiple investigations where the member failed to maintain the standards in delivering dental services . In addition to the suspension , the member is required to complete remediation activities including an assessment , mentorship , medical records learning modules , and a peer review of medical records . The member was reprimanded and ordered to pay costs to the College of $ 80,000 .
Dr . Clare Maine
As the result of an uncontested professional misconduct hearing , the member was suspended for eight months and required to complete remediation activities including an assessment and a mentorship focused on the issues raised in the case . The member has also been required to complete an ethics course . Further , a permanent condition and limitation has been placed on the member ’ s licence requiring her practice to be monitored by another veterinarian . The member is also required to post a sign in the facility indicating a licence restriction regarding dentistry and not have dental equipment in a facility she owns . As well , the member was reprimanded and ordered to pay costs to the College of $ 4,000 .
Dr . Jonathan Mitelman
Case One : As a result of a professional misconduct hearing involving varied allegations related to record keeping , record transfers , misuse of online reviews , and failure to make donations as promised , the member ’ s licence was suspended for 12 months . Following suspension , the member shall advise the
College and the mentor of any changes in employment . Further , the member is required to meet with a mentor for two years . As well , the member is restricted from being an owner , part-owner or director of a veterinary clinic , not including a mobile facility . As well , the member was reprimanded and ordered to pay costs to the College of $ 85,000 .
Case Two : As a result of a contested professional misconduct hearing , the member was suspended for three months and required to meet with an anger management coach and complete an anger management course . The case was the result of an interaction between the member and one of his clients which resulted in an altercation at the client ’ s home which caused injuries to both of them . The member was also required to complete a course on workplace ethics and boundaries , complete a course on privacy and pay costs to the College of $ 62,400 .
Read a full summary of each of these cases at : www . cvo . org / Discipline-Orders
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