Bankruptcy , discussing two bills of great interest to College fellows that Senator Warren has introduced . The first , S . 2472 ( 117th Cong . 2021 ), known as the ‘‘ Stop shielding Assets from Corporate Known Liability by Eliminating non-debtor Releases Act ’’ or the ‘‘ SACKLER Act ’’, would severely limit third-party releases in chapter 11 cases , an issue that is currently before the Supreme Court in Harrington v . Purdue Pharma L . P ., case no . 22-110 . Fellow Daniel C . Cohn ( Massachusetts ) commented on the bill while also describing the College ’ s amicus brief to the Supreme Court in the Purdue case , which Dan helped to write . Anna then discussed Sen . Warren ’ s
Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2022 , S . 4980 ( 117th Cong . 2022 ), which would radically alter consumer bankruptcy law . Prof . Angela Littwin ( Texas ) and new Fellow and Co-Director of Advocacy at the National Consumer Law Center ( Georgia ) critiqued the bill , while opening a line of communication between College fellows and Senator Warren ’ s office for future communications on this significant legislation .
In all , the programs were well-received and of interest to the fellows in attendance .
We hope you will join us next September for our mid-year meeting in Seattle , Washington .