Officers Melissa S . Kibler Chair Charles A . Beckham , Jr . President Karen A . Giannelli Vice-President Hon . Craig Goldblatt Vice-President Hon . Laurel M . Isicoff Vice-President Prof . Elizabeth Tashjian Treasurer Annette W . Jarvis Secretary Paul E . Harner DEI Committee Liaison
Board of Directors Patrick Ang Hon . Lisa G . Beckerman Hon . Janet E . Bostwick Robert M . Charles , Jr . Hon . Roberta A . Colton Charles T . Coleman Douglas M . Foley Laura Davis Jones Robert J . Keach Demetra Liggins Taft A . McKinstry Cynthia Nelson Timothy F . Nixon Sandeep Qusba Alexandra CC Schnapp George T . Snyder Berry D . Spears
Ex Officio Directors Mark D . Bloom Jan M . Hayden
Board of Regents Patricia A . Redmond Chair , Board of Regents John J . Monaghan ( 1st Cir .) Kelley A . Cornish ( 2nd Cir .) Derek C . Abbott ( 3rd Cir .) Michael St . Patrick Baxter ( 4th Cir .) Deborah D . Williamson ( 5th Cir .) Rozanne M . Giunta ( 6th Cir .) Brian L . Shaw ( 7th Cir .) Eric W . Lam ( 8th Cir .) Debra Grassgreen ( 9th Cir .) Mark A . Craige ( 10th Cir .) Elizabeth A . Green ( 11th Cir .) Randall S . Eisenberg At Large Hon . Clifton R . Jessup , Jr . At Large Prof . Robert M . Lawless At Large Hon . Erithe A . Smith At Large
Scholar-in-Residence Richard B . Levin
Of Counsel R . Patrick Vance
Executive Director Shari A . Bedker
College Columns May 2023 Editors Melanie L . Cyganowski Dion W . Hayes
Layout Michelle Foster
From the Chair Recap : 2023 Annual Meeting
Melissa S . Kibler , Accordion Chair , American College of Bankruptcy
The first thing that I saw on my ride into Washington , DC was the cherry blossoms . They had arrived early , imbuing a sense of welcome and promise . It was a fitting sign of what was to come during our Annual Meeting held March 23-25 . For so long , this was the only place we gathered and , indeed , the College ’ s last meeting in Washington , DC was five years ago . This year , our numbers not only exceeded those from 2018 but were a record for the College , with over 460 people attending the Induction Ceremony and over 300 Fellows attending education sessions and other events . For those who were not able to attend , I will provide a brief recap of the weekend ’ s activities :
Honoring : On Thursday , we celebrated new Fellows , Distinguished Students , our Distinguished Service Award Winner , and International Fellows at the President ’ s Reception hosted by Charlie Beckham . On Friday , we honored Professor Douglas Baird with our Distinguished Service Award and inducted 37 new Fellows from Class 34 and 11 from prior classes . It was truly thrilling to look out from the stage on the group assembled at the National Historic Landmark building that houses the Center for American Art and Portraiture ; the grandeur of its atrium provided a setting worthy of this momentous occasion . On Saturday morning , we recognized our Distinguished Students . We had much to celebrate as individuals , as Fellows and as the College .
Learning : Rich Levin , our Scholar in Residence , put together a fabulous education program that included a wide variety of formats and topics . Friday started with an interactive presentation on the bankruptcy jurisprudence of the Roberts Court , followed by a practical discussion of best practices in mentoring hosted by our Senior Fellows and Diversity , Equity and Inclusion (“ DEI ”) Committees . On Saturday , Professor Douglas Baird again took the podium for an academic presentation on his recent book , The Unwritten Law of Corporate Reorganization , followed by judicial commentary . Next , we had a lively policy discussion on attorneys ’