College Columns May 2023 | Page 19


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“ One of the College ’ s important initiatives is mentoring . Douglas has been an extraordinary mentor even before that became something professionals valued and pursued . The list of people who count him as their primary mentor includes dozens of law professors , several judges , former deans at major law schools , and countless law firm partners . His commitment to his mentees has led to his being named godfather to the children of two of them and to being invited to and attending former students ’ graduation parties and weddings .” — Richard Levin
Richard Levin ’ s Full Speech
“ But , like many before me , I discovered that the world of bankruptcy was not how Robert Frost described free verse . It was not playing tennis without a net . There were principles deeply embedded in the law . The honest , but unfortunate debtor deserves a fresh start . Nonbankruptcy rights should be respected in bankruptcy unless a specific bankruptcy policy requires a different result . Plans of reorganization should preserve goingconcern value and be fair and equitable .” — Prof . Douglas Baird
Read Prof . Douglas Baird ’ s Full Speech