College Columns May 2023 | Page 10

Welcome to Class 34 : Insolvency Rockstars

Patricia Redmond , Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson , P . A . Chair , Board of Regents
Having served one year of my term as Chair of the Board of Regents , I am even more aware of the critically important role that the Regents play in the College . As in the past , this year ’ s Board of Regents is comprised of extraordinary insolvency professionals and is also the most diverse in the history of the College .
Back in Washington , D . C ., the College inducted 38 new Fellows and 11 fellows from previous classes . The inductees consisted of 28 lawyers , three judges , two financial advisers , two international professionals , and three academics . Class 34 is the most geographically inclusive in the College ’ s history and represents the College ’ s focus on diversity , equity and inclusion . The College is proud that over 51 % of new fellows have diverse backgrounds and onethird of Class 34 is under the age of 50 . Class 34 also includes a high percentage of consumer-focused professionals , including five Chapter 13 trustees and our first fellow who has served as a judge both in the U . S . and Singapore . You may access additional information with respect to our new fellows by clicking here .
Although it seems like the D . C . meeting was yesterday , it is time to restart the process of identifying and vetting new fellows for Class 35 to be inducted in March of 2024 . The Board of Regents will be meeting on October 11 , 2023 during the NCBJ in
Austin to nominate the Class 35 fellows . We are looking for excellent insolvency professionals and academics . Whether your circuit is discussing candidates in person , by zoom meetings , or soliciting nominations from fellows , please remember that it is strictly confidential and candidates should not know they are being considered . Nominations are due to your Regent and Circuit Admissions Council by June 30 , 2023 .
Prior to this last nomination year , the Regents implemented certain bylaw revisions to the composition of the Circuit Admissions Councils . For the first time , each of the Circuit Admissions Councils included a member of the DEI Committee to implement the College ’ s diversity equity and inclusion mission and help create the pipeline necessary to develop and mentor diverse insolvency professionals for potential fellowship in the College later in their career . The results are overwhelmingly successful .
To continue the DEI initiative , we need your help with respect to our outreach . The Regents are asking each of you to look beyond those professionals with whom you engage on a regular basis , and identify outstanding insolvency practitioners , who are potential candidates or may have been overlooked , both for nominations as new fellows in Class 35 , or for future consideration as part of a pipeline . This means diversity in every respect . Please contact your Regent or any member of your Circuit Admissions Council with names of individuals who you believe satisfy the criteria for admission to the College . continued on page 25