College Columns May 2022 | Page 26

The Hard Work continued from page 9
final report to be submitted to the Board for approval and that , upon such approval , may be made available for voluntary adoption by Fellows and their firms as well as other individuals and organizations in the broader restructuring community .
Perhaps one of the most important initiatives of the Commission , which the new standing committee intends to implement , is a commitment to “ pipeline ” programs designed to encourage and support law students , lawyers and financial professionals from diverse backgrounds in pursuing careers in bankruptcy / insolvency . To that end , the College recently approved the recommendation of the Commission that it partner with Just the Beginning ( JTB )– a pipeline organization to provide stipends to law students who will be interning with bankruptcy judges this summer through
JTB ’ s Summer Judicial Internship Diversity Project ( SJIDP ). The College is proud to be providing $ 1,000 - $ 3,000 stipends to six law students who will participate in internships with eight bankruptcy judges around the country and joins the NCBJ , IWIRC and other organizations in supporting the worthy efforts of the SJIDP .
These are truly huge steps for the College and its Fellows that could not have been anticipated even a year ago . We are delighted and humbled to be the first Co-Chairs of the DEI Committee who will succeed the Commission , and we have identified a wonderful group of committee members , with the College leadership ’ s approval , who have agreed to devote their time to the mission . Now the hard work continues !
Bono continued from page 7
changed to protect their privacy ):
• “ The impact of our work is perhaps best conveyed through client experiences . Jeremy , a client we represented over the past several years , is the son of a Guyanese immigrant who came to the US in the 1980s to raise his family . In 2004 Jeremy ’ s father bought his first home . Unfortunately , the loan was predatory . Mortgage payments increased regularly , eventually reaching $ 5,000 a month . As the foreclosure proceeding began , Jeremy ’ s father reached out to a company advertising its ability to save homes from foreclosure . That too was a scam , as Jeremy ’ s father signed the deed over to the company while receiving no compensation . After Jeremy became his father ’ s legal guardian , he was contacted by a U . S . Attorney who advised him to speak to a lawyer . Jeremy reached out to Brooklyn A and we represented him and helped get his family ’ s home back . Jeremy ’ s father recently passed away , but Jeremy will continue to not only contribute to the community his father lived in , but build intergenerational wealth .” Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A 2 / 25 / 22 Grant Report .
• “ John is a 60 year old single individual living in Newark , California . He initially came to one of our ‘ introduction to bankruptcy ’ clinics back in late 2019 . At the clinic , he met with one of our volunteer attorneys who provided all the necessary information to help John get started with the filing process . Unfortunately , he was not
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