College Columns May 2019 | Page 23

Beyond the Columns

Shari A. Bedker, American College of Bankruptcy Executive Director

It is always very interesting to hear what Fellows are doing outside of their professional lives, whether it is an unusual hobby, exotic trip or other volunteer activity. We would like to highlight something different in each edition of the Columns going forward so that you can learn a bit more about our Fellows. If you have something that you would like to share, please send to the editors, Steven Berger and Debbie Langehennig.

To kick off this new feature, we highlight Judge Laurel Isicoff's, Judge Mary Grace Diehl's and Shari Bedker's trips to Antarctica in January 2019 (within 3 weeks of each other, on three different cruise lines!). There was some debate as to whose photos were the best. Although to be fair, it was hard to take a bad photo as the landscape is so spectacular. To settle the debate, they have each submitted a penguin, a whale and a general scenic photo. We need your help to see who gets bragging rights. Please click here to vote for one photo from each category below. The winning photos will be announced in the next Focus on Fellows. May the best penguin win!

Best Penguin Photo Candidates





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