College Columns May 2019 | Page 6

Those of you who were able to attend our wonderful meeting in San Diego – and our all-Fellows luncheon – will have heard these highlights. But I am so pleased to now share with all of you that the 2018 Foundation fundraising campaign produced exciting results in a number of significant respects. They include, most importantly, its ultimate grand total.

Total giving for 2018 was $328,489 – representing the third consecutive year that the campaign broke the magic $300,000 barrier, and surpassing our 2017 result by $28,234 (an improvement of 9.4%). The 2018 result also was an all-time Foundation record, outpacing the previous high, achieved in 2016, by approximately $15,000.

Importantly, we also substantially exceeded our lofty goals for the 2018 campaign. Those were a conservatively budgeted goal of $275,000, and an announced target of $315,000. And perhaps the best news – other than the grand total – is that donor participation increased substantially in 2018, to approximately 70%, versus 60% in 2017.

Average giving also has been increasing – although only slightly. And not at the pace we had hoped.

Along those lines, we also continue to pursue other fundraising opportunities, including retirement fund donations (which were significant last year) and bequests.

We nonetheless are facing a challenge. Our giving levels still fall substantially short of our total pro bono grants. As a result, the Foundation remains dependent on funding from the College above and beyond your contributions, to fund the grants awarded by Janet Bostwick’s hardworking Pro Bono Committee.

You have been so generous. The Foundation board and our other circuit fundraisers will be asking you to be equally generous yet again this year. The work of the Foundation is so very critical, and I urge you to read Janet’s great accompanying column for details.

I am so looking forward to seeing all of you this Fall!


Foundation Update

Paul E. Harner, Ballard Spahr LLP

Chair, ACB Foundation

Foundation Officers

Paul E. Harner


Daniel R. Murray


Martha E.M. Kopacz


Foundation Directors

Marc Abrams

Charles A. Beckham, Jr.

Russell M. Blain

Hon. Sheri Bluebond

Janet E. Bostwick

Guy A. Davis

Kenneth H. Eckstein

M. Colette Gibbons

Rozanne M. Giunta

Craig Goldblatt

Scott J. Goldstein

Ronald F. Greenspan

Jan M. Hayden

Eric W. Lam

Vincent E. Lazar

David E. Leta

Norman L. Pernick

Natalie D. Ramsey

Richard L. Wasserman

Hon. Judith H. Wizmur (Ret.)

Senior Director

Richard Carmody

Ex Officio

Mark D. Bloom

Executive Director

Shari A. Bedker