In This Issue
2016 Fall All-Fellows 16
2016 Foundation 13
2016 Patrons & 14
Class 27 9
Class 28 4
Fellow 12
Foundation 6
From the 1
Michael L. Cook Extraordinary 8
National Bankruptcy 10
Ninth Circuit 9
President's 2
Circuit Events
May 20, 2016
8th & 10th Circuit Program
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law
September 16, 2016
7th Circuit Educational Program
Chicago-Kent College of Law
For details and registration information about these and other regional events, please click here. If you know of an upcoming event that is not listed, please contact Shari Bedker at 434-939-6004 or [email protected].
From the Chair
rooms and gatherings outside our ceremonial events. On Thursday, March 17, the College’s Strategic Planning Committee had a day-long meeting with College leadership to review and discuss the Committee's second group of recommendations intended to help the College position itself for continued future success.
In 2015, the Strategic Planning Committee addressed topics including (i) governance, (ii) admissions and membership, and (iii) Fellow engagement. A number of policy changes have already been adopted in order to implement the Committee's recommendations.
This year, the Committee addressed its second set of subject areas. These included (i) branding, (ii) education, (iii) finance and fundraising and (iv) International Fellows. As in 2015, the Committee based its current recommendations on data developed in a survey of all College Fellows. Approximately 220 Fellows responded to this year’s survey, providing a wealth of information and opinions on the subject areas.
Branding proved to be the most elusive area for concrete planning. There are a wide variety of views about the degree to which branding is important to the College and, if so, how and to whom we should be seeking to better promote our brand. We will be giving further thought to those questions in the months to come.
In the area of Education, the survey results indicated that Fellows are generally very pleased with our Circuit programs. As recommended by the Committee, we will be seeking ways to better distribute educational materials across Circuits and to assist Circuits as they seek to develop a more robust educational framework. continued on page 3
Your College is Evolving
Two months ago, the College inducted its 27th Class of new Fellows at a ceremony at the Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture. It was a lovely evening, befitting the stature of the College.
But much of the real business of the College takes place in the conference rooms
G. Christopher Meyer, Chair
College Columns
May 2016