College Columns May 2015 Issue | Page 6


The International Committee is proud to welcome three new fellows to the College: Dario Oscós Coria of Mexico City, Lionel Zaclis of Saõ Paulo and John Lees of Hong Kong. Due to a last minute family emergency, Dario was unable to attend the

Class 27 Nominations

Marc A. Levinson

Chair, Board of Regents

Nominating Committee. The approximately 100 members of the Circuit admissions councils and the two nominating committees have begun the arduous and essential task of reviewing the nomination materials and vetting the candidates. They will be reaching out to the other 650 active status Fellows and to many of the emeritus status Fellows seeking input about the potential new Fellows.

While that due diligence will include seeking verification of the information contained in the nomination packages, perhaps the most important inquiry will be about character. The first of the criteria for selection of Fellows in Article II, Section 3, of the bylaws is “the highest professional qualifications and ethical standards” and the second references “high level of character [and] integrity.” The nomination form requires the nominator and the two sponsors to certify, among other things, that the candidate “…maintain[s] the highest ethical and professional standards.” The various letters of recommendation should address character as well, but the best way to confirm that a candidate satisfies the College’s high standards is through one-on-one discussions. Any such discussions are, of course, confidential, and you may ask the Fellow conducting the due diligence to report the results without including your name or otherwise identifying you. Whether or not you do, the discussions within the admissions council or nominating committee will remain confidential. Delivering a negative review may be unpleasant, but upholding the standards established by the bylaws more than justifies any discomfort.

The circuit admission councils and nominating committees will make their decisions by early August, and will send me the nomination packages of their recommended candidates no later than August 14th. The second round of due diligence begins shortly thereafter, with each member of the Board of Regents conducting due diligence on 3 or 4 candidates from outside home circuits of those Regents. While this process is time consuming and almost invariably confirms the vetting done by the circuit admission councils and nominating committees, it serves as an important check and balance. So you ought to be prepared for another round of phone calls, and once again should be candid in your evaluations.

Speaking on behalf of the Regents, the Chairs of the two nominating committees and all the members of the admissions councils and nominating committees, I thank you in advance for your participation in this important process, which will conclude with the meeting of the Regents in Miami on September 27th. Your participation helps make the College the outstanding organization that it is.

International Committee News

Hon. Charles G. Case, II (Ret.), International Committee Chair

investiture ceremony in March but we look forward to welcoming him formally at next year’s meeting. At the Annual Meeting, our other two new fellows, along with long-time fellow Agustin Berdeja-Prieto, made very interesting presentations about both themselves and new insolvency developments in their respective jurisdictions.

This year, we introduced new initiatives to integrate our international fellows into the

The nomination packages for Class 27 candidates are due on June 5th, and I hope and trust that by now have already been submitted to the Regents for the various Circuits and to the Chairs of the Judicial Nominating Committee and the International Fellows

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