Officers Mark D . Bloom Chair Melissa S . Kibler President James L . Baillie Vice-President Hon . Joan N . Feeney Vice-President Karen A . Giannelli Vice-President Martha E . M . Kpoacz Treasurer Annette W . Jarvis Secretary
Board of Directors Agustin Berdeja-Prieto Robert M . Charles , Jr . Hon . Roberta A . Colton Jan M . Hayden Robert J . Keach James R . Kelley James T . Markus Taft A . McKinstry Timothy F . Nixon Hon . Neil P . Olack Norman L . Pernick George T . Snyder Richard Stern Robert J . van Galen David A . Warfield Richard L . Wasserman
Ex Officio Directors Marc A . Levinson Paul E . Harner , Chair , ACB Foundation
Board of Regents Charles A . Beckham , Jr . Chair , Board of Regents Michael J . Goldberg ( 1st Cir .) James L . Bromley ( 2nd Cir .) Natalie D . Ramsey ( 3rd Cir .) Douglas M . Foley ( 4th Cir .) Elizabeth J . Futrell ( 5th Cir .) Michael P . Coury ( 6th Cir .) James H . M . Sprayregen ( 7th Cir .) Michael R . Stewart ( 8th Cir .) Jennifer C . Hagle ( 9th Cir .) Kenneth L . Cannon , II ( 10th Cir .) Patricia A . Redmond ( 11th Cir .) Prof . Ingrid Michelsen Hillinger At Large Hon . Jeffery P . Hopkins At Large Cynthia Nelson At Large
Scholar-in-Residence Prof . Susan Block-Lieb Counsel R . Patrick Vance
Executive Director Shari A . Bedker _________________ College Columns June 2021 Issue Editors Steven N . Berger Deborah Langehennig Layout Michelle Foster
From the Chair Fellows , Start Your Engines ! Indianapolis , October 4-6
Mark D . Bloom , Baker & McKenzie Chair , American College of Bankruptcy
Every Fall so many of us look forward to the College meetings held at the front end of the Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges . Never a big production like our own Annual Meeting each Spring , the Fall Meeting typically involves a Leadership Dinner , meetings of our Boards of Directors and Regents , the Foundation Board and certain of our Committees , and is highlighted by the All Fellows Luncheon on the afternoon preceding the NCBJ Opening Reception .
Crossing our fingers as the country begins slowly and hopefully to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic that , among other things , required that we sharply curtail and convert our last two Annual Meetings and last October ’ s Fall Meeting to a virtual format , we are planning once again to “ go live ” just ahead of the NCBJ Meeting . So if you ’ ve not already done so , we ask you to get vaccinated , mark your calendars for October 4-6 , 2021 , and get ready to start your engines with us in Indianapolis .
This year ’ s expanded version of our Fall Meeting will include our usual array of Board and selected Committee meetings and related events , and feature the first-time-ever induction of not one but two new classes of Fellows . This festive evening at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on Tuesday , October 5 , will be highlighted by the presentation of our Distinguished Service Award to the Hon . Barbara J . Houser , followed by a gala reception and dinner .
Classes 31 and 32 bring us a combined 68 new Fellows , a remarkably talented and diverse group of business and consumer lawyers , judges , financial professionals , academics and insolvency practitioners from across the country and around the world . ( Leaving no stone unturned , our Executive Committee will consider whether to proceed with the traditional handshake for new Fellows as they are called to the stage for induction , or replace with a fist bump or elbow knock .) continued on page 28