Be Proud of the Contributions Across the Country That You Have Made ! From the Grants and Pro Bono Committee
Norman L . Pernick , Cole Schotz , P . C . Chair , Grants and Pro Bono Committee
This is my favorite time of year : All of the hard work done by the Foundation and the Grants & Pro Bono Committee ( the “ Committee ”) throughout the year to seek donations , solicit grant applications , s review applications and decide priorities comes to fruition in October and November . And now we have the joyous opportunity to share the approvals of grants and the disbursements of funds to organizations servicing so many in need across the country . The College and the Foundation are again poised to continue to change so many lives due to your generosity . We are now in the middle of the Foundation ’ s campaign to raise funds for 2025 grants , and we hope that by seeing the direct effect nationally that the funds you contribute make that you will again donate generously to the College ’ s effort .
2024 Pro Bono Grants . Once again , the College and the Foundation reached a new record where we were able to award almost $ 600,000 in grants to pro bono legal service programs that provide assistance to the most vulnerable . This year , because of the generosity of the Fellows and the support of the Foundation , the College and Foundation awarded $ 599,050 to 49 organizations , funding programs in 18 States plus the
the 2024 Grantees Here
View the 2024 DEI Grantees Here
District of Columbia . They include grantees in metropolitan areas small and large , including San Diego , Montgomery , AL , Wilmington , DE , Los Angeles , CA , Miami , FL , Minneapolis , MN , New York , Pittsburgh , PA and Burlington , VT . The proposed grantees include grants to 5 new grantees who have not previously received a grant from the Foundation . A full list of our 2024 grantees is attached .
For the most part , the grantees are local bankruptcy pro bono programs formed by or supported by the bankruptcy bar and bankruptcy judges in that locale . The programs reflect a variety of ways to expand services . Some grantees provide for training and recruitment of additional volunteers to take on pro bono cases . Other applicants request support for self-help or pro se clinics to educate and advise unrepresented individuals in bankruptcy court . Grantees may seek funding for tools to expand the reach of the grantees to serve clients and volunteers , such as bankruptcy software programs , preparation of how-to videos , or tools to provide for website integration . Some provide in person and virtual trainings to volunteers and communications with