College Columns December 2024 | Page 6

Foundation Officers
Jan M . Hayden Chair
Vincent E . Lazar Vice Chair
Lisa M . Schweitzer Secretary
Marjorie Kaufman Treasurer
Paul E . Harner Past Chair
Foundation Directors Jay Bender Steven N . Berger Leyza F . Blanco Christopher M . Candon Kathyrn A . Coleman Christine E . Devine Jay M . Goffman Hon . John Hoffman Eric L . Johnson Michael R . Johnson Laura Davis Jones Julio ( Rick ) E . Mendoza Dwayne Murray Felicia Gerber Perlman Caroline A . Reckler Mark Shinderman Lynn Lewis Tavenner Julie B . Teicher Travis Torrence Warren A . Usatine Scott Wolfson
Senior Director Robert J . Rosenberg
Ex Officio Patricia A . Redmond Norman L . Pernick
Executive Director Alexandra “ CC ” Schnapp

From the Foundation

Jan Hayden Chair , American College of Bankruptcy Foundation
I am sure Charlie and Trish in their articles have filled you in on the wonderful meeting we had in Seattle , so I need not tell you much more than it was just as wonderful as they suggested . I had never been to Seattle , and I have to say the city is beautiful , and I found the people to be friendly . Add that backdrop to a meeting that included an excellent education program and a chance to visit with colleagues from all over , and it was well worth the time and effort to attend . I cannot encourage you enough to attend future fall meetings as well as spring meetings .
During our Foundation meeting , the Board focused on our principal functions of raising funds and funding grants . Historically , our grants were all pro bono grants but with the adoption by the College of its DEI initiatives , the Foundation in 2023 expanded its focus to include funding for DEI grants . We ended our last campaign raising yet again more funds than we did the year before . This year due to the generosity of our Fellows , we were able to approve a total of $ 599,050 in pro bono requests , $ 33,000 in Just the Beginning requests and $ 56,000 in other DEI Requests for a grand total of $ 687,550 in grants . These grants have recently been awarded . And as I have no intention of stealing the thunder from Norm Pernick and his hardworking Grants Committee , I am going to send you his article with all the details about the wonderful work we do throughout the country with your money ! Do not miss his article , as we have year after year expanded our reach into communities throughout our footprint .
Once we approved these grants , we turned our attention to setting fundraising goals and putting the finishing touches on this year ’ s annual campaign . Considering the dedication of our fundraisers and the generosity of the Fellows in the past , we are optimistic that once again the Fellows will outshine themselves and allow us to do even more work in 2025 .
As always , upon the conclusion of our Fall board meeting , we kick off our giving season in earnest . This year we did that with an interesting twist as the Foundation took the opportunity to do