College Columns December 2022 | Page 29

5th and 10th Circuit Meeting in Park City

2023 DUES

For 2023 , the Board approved increasing dues to the following levels :
$ 500
$ 250
Consumer Practitioners
$ 175
Judges / Other Government
$ 125
Dues were last increased in 2011 . In reaching this decision , the Board and Finance Committee gave careful consideration to several factors , including the following :
1 . Costs have increased significantly since the last dues increase , particularly given recent inflationary pressures ; 2 . The updated dues structure is consistent with or lower than that of comparable organizations ; and 3 . The reach and scope of the College ’ s and the Foundation ’ s work has increased substantially , particularly in the areas of DEI , education and grants .
Invoices will be sent to Fellows in January 2023 . We appreciate your membership and support !