College Columns December 2022 | Page 22

The College and DEI continued from page 21
The Communications Subcommittee reviews and makes recommendations with respect to all communications relating to the DEI Committee ’ s objectives , programs , and projects , as well as content on the DEI page of the College ’ s website and relevant social media . This Subcommittee also assists and supports the Internal and External Subcommittees in the planning and implementation of College-sponsored DEI programs . In this regard , the Subcommittee works closely with our DEI Consultant , Dr . Arin Reeves , to adopt and implement best communications practices .
The Subcommittee is currently focused on developing a communications / marketing plan for the External Committee ’ s pledge project . Specifically , the Subcommittee is exploring ways to create interest , excitement and “ buzz ” by using a snappy acronym for the program and disseminating “ teasers ” through social media posts , emails and the College website . It is expected that the program will officially launch in early 2023 .
The Communications Subcommittee is continuing to explore ways to market and promote the activities of the DEI Committee both within and beyond the College ’ s membership ; to monitor , maintain and update content on the Committee ’ s DEI tab on the College ’ s website ; and to promote the College ’ s DEI initiatives on responsibly on various social media platforms .
College-Wide Engagement and Beyond
The Committee has actively pursued its mandated objectives both within and beyond the College :
• On April 1 , 2022 , the Board approved the recommendation of the Select Commission that the College establish a Freshman Fellow Program to assist in the successful integration of new Fellows into the College , broaden their understanding of the College and its resources , and expand their networks by connecting them to key leaders in the College . The Freshman Fellow Committee is now functioning and includes three members of the DEI Committee , who have been coordinating with the full Committee to , among other things , provide appropriate DEI training to new Fellows .
• The DEI Committee is proud to have partnered with Just the Beginning – A Pipeline Organization ( JTB ). At the recommendation of the DEI Committee , the College entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with JTB to extend financial support to its 2022 Summer Judicial Internship Diversity Program , which provides law students from socioeconomic , ethnic , and cultural backgrounds underrepresented in the legal profession with summer judicial internships around the country . The College provided stipends to six law students interning with bankruptcy judges .
• We are working closely with “ Focus on Gender Equity : A Women Led Initiative .” This relatively new group includes professionals representing a cross section of disciplines in New York ’ s restructuring community whose objective is to advance women professionals in the restructuring industry . At the recommendation of the DEI Committee , the College co-sponsored the group ’ s inaugural event , “ Discussion on Gender Awareness – Striving for Gender Parity in the Restructuring Industry ,” which took place in New York on November 14 , 2022 .
• The Blackshear Presidential Fellows Program is the flagship diversity pipeline program of the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges . For more than 20 years ,
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