College Columns December 2022 | Page 11

and principles ( including those based on the Rooney / Mansfield Rules ) for Circuit Admissions Councils , Board of Regents , Judicial Fellows Nominating Committee and International Fellows Nominating Committee , development of strategies for the advancement of diverse Fellows into leadership positions within the College , and monitoring of the implementation of the Freshman Fellows Program .
Not unexpectedly , out of these many tasks , the Internal Subcommittee has prioritized the review and recommendation of changes to the College ’ s processes for identifying and electing prospective Fellows . At its March 31 , 2022 meeting , the College ’ s Board adopted a resolution that encouraged the Board of Regents to ensure that each Circuit Admissions Council , the Judicial Fellows Nominating Committee , and the International Fellows Nominating Committee have at least one member who qualifies or identifies as diverse and provides “ that each Circuit Admission Council , the Judicial Fellows Nominating Committee , and International Fellows Nominating Committee should examine its processes to ensure that qualified diverse candidates are included in the pipeline for nomination and are timely considered .” By further resolution , the Board directed the DEI Committee to recommend to the Board the adoption of a policy based on the so-called “ Rooney ” and / or “ Mansfield ” rules in order to promote the identification and selection of diverse candidates as Fellows . With these resolutions in mind , the Internal Subcommittee established as one of its top priorities a thorough review of the nomination policies and procedures of the Circuit Admissions Councils in order to ascertain potential barriers to diversity in the nomination process and to develop recommendations for improving the process .
The Internal Subcommittee anticipates that this review will be accomplished through a multilevel data collection process encompassing : a ) personal interviews with members of the Board of Regents , as well as co-chairs of the Circuit Admissions Councils , regarding the nomination process ; b ) personal interviews with each of the DEI Committee representatives on the Circuit Admissions Councils about the process and attention to diversity ; and c ) a survey / poll of all Circuit Admissions Council members . The interview and survey questions are being formulated with the assistance of Dr . Beth Wiggins , and DEI consultant Dr . Arin Reeves . The Subcommittee expects to have the data compilation completed in the coming months and to begin developing recommendations for improvement immediately thereafter . It also will conduct a separate review of nominations procedures for prospective judicial and international Fellows in 2023 . And finally , after presenting recommendations to the full DEI Committee concerning the process for nominating Fellows for admission to the College , the Internal Subcommittee expects to review and make recommendations 1 ) for improving diversity in leadership positions within the College and 2 ) regarding DEI training and education for College leadership and new Fellows .
External Subcommittee
Members : Jane Kim ( Chair ), Paula Beran , Leyza Blanco , Demetra Liggins , David Payne , Hon . Kathy Surratt-States , and Hon . Deborah Thorne
The External Subcommittee makes recommendations to the full DEI Committee continued on page 21