Thank you and congratulations to the ten Fellows below who donated quickly ( and generously !) at the Fall Luncheon and were rewarded with an autographed copy of keynote speaker Isabel Wilkerson ’ s thought provoking book , Caste : The Origins of Our Discontent . For those of you who have not read the book yet , Connie Lahn shared her review “ A book everyone must read . How is it that I could be educated at amazing schools , colleges , and law school and yet be learning so much of this for the first time ?”
These ten Fellows , along with several other generous donors , raised over $ 28,000
Fall Luncheon Donors
for the Foundation during the All-Fellows Luncheon . Thank you everyone for your support and happy reading .
Eric Anderson Michael Baxter Jacob Brown Deborah Caruso Teresa Kohl Natasha Labovitz Connie Lahn Demetra Liggins David Warfield Deborah Williamson
Seventh Circuit Education Committee ’ s Twelfth Annual Bankruptcy Seminar
The College ’ s Seventh Circuit Education Committee held its Twelfth Annual Bankruptcy Seminar on September 24 , 2021 . Over 150 attorneys , judges , law professors , and financial advisors from every Circuit attended the event via Zoom . Members of four panels engaged in lively discussions of ( 1 ) business issues affecting practice in the Seventh Circuit , such as equitable mootness , pre-filing investigation responsibilities before filing avoidance actions , use of avoidance action proceeds to pay chapter 11 adminstrative expenses , and good faith defenses to fraudulent transfer claims ; ( 2 ) consumer issues such as the effects of the Supreme Court ’ s decisions in the Fulton and Taggert cases and administration of LLC interests ;
( 3 ) commercial case issues such as third-party releases , valuation , section 363 sales , and rights offerings ; and ( 4 ) ethics issues such as attorneys ’ duty of candor , ex parte communications , and the definition of “ disinterestedness .”
The panelists ’ written materials , as well as a recording of the program , are available on the College ’ s website .