we should also “ take the road less travelled .” This is the harder path . Yet that decision , as the traveler in Frost ’ s epic poem discovered , can “ make all the difference .”
The “ road less travelled ” asks our beloved College and its talented Fellows ( industry game-changers--all ) to boldly embrace structural change . It asks us to embrace our role as industry leaders , trend-setters , and market influencers to whom everyone in this field looks for leadership .
The “ path less taken ” asks our beloved College to ( not wait ), but to step boldly into the future of what America and the rest of the world thinks like and looks like — one that is more diverse , more inclusive , and that fosters equity — lest we risk falling into disfavor among young talent coming into the profession whose views on DEI more progressively align with modern thought .
Indeed , “ the road less travelled ,” if we choose it , will alter beneficially the trajectory of the bankruptcy profession in a manner I , my co-chair , and every one of the Commissioners submits , that will be immediate , meaningful , and enduring .
Taking “ the road less travelled ,” would be in keeping with our calling as debt restructuring professionals — to rehabilitate broken systems , to prioritize interests , to create solutions in the face of improbability , and to provide for fair and equitable treatment .
We hope that you will take the time to read our Interim Report . It is available on the DEI webpage after you log in . Alternatively , you can request a copy using the special DEI Commission email , or by emailing Shari Bedker or one of us for a copy . We invite you to share your comments with any one of the Commissioners . The process works when we all take the path together . Please either email or call any of us directly or please feel free to use the special Commission email ( diversity @ amercol . org ) to submit your comments as well . We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you all in Denver .
Thank you .