What a year 2020 has been! I hope you are all healthy and in good spirits. We have become Zoom experts and learned to work remotely from our favorite locations – anywhere with a good internet connection and a strong cell signal. We share the same Zoom experiences and revelations: “Can
you hear me? Can you see me? Can you
see my power point?” “What’s she wearing?
Who is cutting his hair? Could this meeting be an email?”
We would like to challenge you to share your favorite virtual meeting experiences, to be highlighted in our next Columns issue. Or send us your favorite virtual platform background. Please send your submissions to [email protected].
Enjoy our end of 2020 edition of College Columns, packed with interesting articles from our Fellows. Be sure to read the articles submitted by previous Distinguished Law StudentsL Where Are They Now? They write about their professional journeys to date and how their selection for this honor influenced their career choices. Our Distinguished Law Students Committee Chair, Claudia Springer, contributes an article introducing the 2020 honorees.
Charlie Beckham discusses the incoming Class 32 in his article “Class 32 is Classic!” We welcome our new Fellows and look forward to celebrating with them.
Take a look at the article from two of our Chapter 13 Trustees, discussing how the pandemic has affected their trustee operations, offices and staff: What Was, What is & What is to Be.
For the trivia enthusiast, we include another trivia quiz themed, as you may guess, with clues about bankruptcy history and the activities of the College. Also try the similarly themed and challenging crossword puzzle.
As 2020 draws to a close, we encourage your contribution to the Foundation, which helps the Pro Bono Committee fund good work throughout the country. We also appreciate your continued participation in our newsletter and welcome your thoughts to help us all keep in touch.
Enjoy a wonderful holiday season, stay safe, and I hope to see you all in 2021!
In This Issue
President's Message............4
Class 32 is Classic!...............5
From the Foundation Chair........................................6
Pro Bono Update..................7
What Was, What Is And What Is To Be.........................8
Doing The Splits...................9
Distinguished Law
Students Program..............10
Where Are They Now? .....14
Lessons Learned From Mentorship Over
The Years.............................16
2020 Distinguished
Service Award.....................17
Focus On Fellows...............24
Trivia Questions.................24
Patrons & Sponsors Program Update.................25
2020 Patrons & Sponsors..............................25
2021 Patrons & Sponsors..............................29
2020 Foundation Donations............................32
Columns XWords...............33
From the Colum…nist…..
Deborah Langehennig, Chapter 13 Trustee
Co-Editor, College Columns