College Columns December 2019 | Page 9


From The President

continued from page 4

As a reminder, the annual participation levels for professional firms are as follows:

• Sustaining Patron -- $5,000 (as in 2018 we had 30 Sustaining Patrons in 2019)

• Patron -- $2,500 (21 in 2019, down from 25 in 2018)

• Sponsor -- $1,500 (55 in 2019, up from 40 in 2018)

• Supporter (new category introduced in 2019 for firms with 5 or fewer professionals) -- $750.

Participation is almost effortless: Just visit the College website (a great source of information about all of our programs!) at, click on the first tab, “About,” and then on the fifth link in the dropdown menu for “Patrons & Sponsors”; the tab will open to a page with a link to “Download the 2020 Patron Sponsor Commitment Form,” which can be filled out online and returned by email to Jenny Cudahy at [email protected]. Once you’ve done that your firm has made a pledge for 2020 – and we promise that we won’t forget to follow up on the funding!

In the Spring of 2020 and again in 2021 we are back again in Washington, DC for our Annual Meeting. As reported by our Chair Marc Levinson we have another “field trip” planned for 2022. And as I close out with the hope to see even higher turnouts at all of these meetings, I am reminded of the aspect of the College for which I am most thankful of all: the many wonderful people and professionals I’ve met and friendships I’ve formed with so many of our Fellows from all over the world, as the number and involvement of our US and International Fellows continues to increase.

On behalf of the College and my own family, I wish you and your families a joyful 2019 holiday season and a happy and healthy new year for 2020.

The Brown Palace, Denver, Colorado