College Columns December 2019 | Page 12

From the Pro Bono Committee

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seek funding for tools to expand their ability to serve clients and volunteers, such as bankruptcy software programs, preparation of how-to videos, or website integration tools. With a few rare exceptions, the grants do not fund direct services to clients (although the grants may support the administrative aspect of running and coordinating volunteer and pro bono efforts.)

The grantees included Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) which received $15,000 as the recipient of the Michael L. Cook Extraordinary Grant. The Foundation established the Cook Grant for a program that is “such an innovative and exemplary approach to a previously under-served area of need as to justify an extraordinary grant in excess of the grant limits customarily applied by the Foundation.” MLSA applied for funding in order to expand the MLSA File-Your-Own-Bankruptcy Project to the more rural and underserved areas of the state including seven Native American reservations. The program assists pro se debtors, providing review and advice by attorneys before filing. As part of the project, MLSA will send a staff attorney and paralegal to each rural area or reservation in order to provide intake, training and counseling for pro se filers.

On behalf of the Pro Bono Committee, I thank the Fellows, the College and the Foundation, who enable us to make these grants. Along with the other members of the Committee, I have the privilege to hear the stories from our other grantees of the difference your contributions make. My own personal thanks to all the members of the Committee for their hard work, and to Carole McNamara for her invaluable assistance for the Committee’s work.


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My thanks, as well, to all of the many other Fellows who participated as nominators, sponsors and supporting letter writers. Each of you can take pride in knowing that you contributed to perpetuate the highest ideals of the College by ensuring that we admit Fellows worthy of our lofty standards. It has been an honor and pleasure to help guide this process for two years and I am ready to pass the torch to our next Chair. I certainly hope you are planning to come to attend the Induction Weekend next March where you will have the opportunity to welcome our new Fellows personally.