San Diego, but the chances of precipitation are far greater in DC.
If the foregoing hasn’t convinced you to attend, I’ll add that the Champagne reception following the Friday afternoon education session will held on the Thomas Lawn, and the reception after the induction ceremony will be held in the Garden Patio. An optional indoor plated dinner will follow. A committee of local Fellows (Judge Louise Adler, Judge Margaret Mann, David Osias and Victor Vilaplana) will be working with Shari and her team on locations for the Circuit luncheons and possible activities for guests, among other things.
In sum, the Del will be a great location and we hope to see you there.
Before I close, on behalf of all Fellows, I want to publicly thank outgoing Chair Chris Meyer for his great leadership of the College during his service as Chair, and before that as President and as Chair of the Board of Regents. I’ll add that on a personal level, I couldn’t have asked for a better person with whom to work during the last two years. During that period, we likely exchanged hundreds if not thousands of email memoranda and participated in hundreds of telephone conversations. Even during those rare occasions when we disagreed, Chris was constructive, collegial and a total class act. Thank you, Chris!