College Columns December 2016 | Page 14

Senior Fellows Committee

Robert J. Rosenberg, Senior Fellows Committee Chair

active participation of Fellows who are reaching the age of retirement from their primary professional vocations. Approximately 70% of Fellows are age 60 or over; accordingly, keeping those Fellows active and excited must be a top priority.

The Committee was formed after the March 2016 meeting and consists of the fellows listed below. It is focused on a number of projects, some of which have already come to fruition:

- A program on second acts at the March 2017 College meeting.

- A new dropdown on the College website entitled "Senior Moments" where articles and publications of interest to Senior Fellows can be found.

- An ongoing project to create on the website a directory of Fellows interested in serving as mediators.

- A coordination of available pro bono activities for easy access and information.

- Coordination with the Archives Committee to assure collection of interesting and relevant materials from Senior Fellows.

- A program of interviews with Senior Fellows about their professional highlights.

- Publication in College Columns of book reviews, thoughts on second careers and other subjects of interest.

- A mentoring program.

The Committee would be most happy to receive any thoughts on direction or projects from all Fellows. The Committee presently consists of Bob Rosenberg (Chair), Richard Carmody, Dan Cohn, Mike Cook, Jim Feltman, Judge Robert Gerber, David Heiman, Bill Katchen, Bob Scheibe, Paul Singer and Richard Toder.

ACB Senior Panel Discussion

Second Careers- What Do We Do Next?

Join other senior Fellows for a special session at the Class 28 Induction Ceremony & Related Events, held March 10, 2017 from 3:15-4:00 p.m. at the Renaissance DC Downtown Hotel in Meeting Room 3. Recognizing the on-going, rapid changes in the legal profession (including early mandatory retirement policies adopted by many law firms), three senior College Fellows (Richard Carmody, William Katchen and Richard Toder) will lead a panel discussing numerous opportunities, including full retirement, that are available to facilitate a fruitful transition from one’s current career.

More information and registration for the Induction events can be found here.

I am very pleased to report that the College has established a Senior Fellows Committee to focus on retaining the active participation