collective: Volume 1, Summer | Page 5

Dr. Maya Angelou (1928-2014) I sat in my office at my internship, momentarily stunned. I thought about legacy, all of what can be left in the wake of such a passing. Charisma, talent, passion, and, most importantly, love. Though I never met Maya Angelou, I felt like the world had lost something precious. Around the same time, I began designing the initial drafts of this publication. While crafting its mission and purpose, Dr. Angelou kept coming to mind. I realized that she encapsulated the heart of this project - expressing ourselves, because we are simply human. Through her life, she created art to express (because speaking failed her), heal (because the past is painful), connect (because the world of creators is growing), and gain insight (because this is the human calling). As a result, we would like to humbly dedicate this little publication to the great Dr. Maya Angelou. We hope that our pursuit, to unite artists together for encouragement, would have made her proud.