and they are kept in the lower
shelves for viewing.
I was only able to spend a few
brief hours at Songbirds Guitar
Museum, but I plan to go again
for a full day and arrive when
the doors open so I won’t
miss anything.
From a historical perspective, it
isn’t required that one be a guitar
nerd, since the instruments on
display are visually gathered to
reflect the eras that they were
few more key areas to complete still.
built and first played in, from
collection would have thrilled Johnny Winter, as
it contains over 75 custom color birds on a long
Speaking with Country Music Grammy Award wall of the museum. There is also a performance
winner and now Ambassador for Songbirds, stage toward the middle of the room, and
Vince Gill is very proud of the display case at upcoming artists include fingerstyle guitar
the museum featuring his name, albums, and virtuoso Tommy Emmanuel, with more artists
instruments that are reflective of his career. being booked for the rest of 2017, per Smith.
Gill stated, “It’s historical that you can come
through here and understand music’s history Songbirds currently has 700 instruments on
by seeing some of these guitars.” When asked display, and another 1,000 in storage that will
how this compared to his personal collection be cycled through every two to three months
of instruments Vince said, “I’m smoked big to keep things fresh for frequent visitors
time, but what’s neat about this collection is it and members. Besides the well-organized
isn’t just quantity. What I’ve been astounded instrument displays, the number of vintage tube
the 1920’s through the 70’s.
Vince Gill said, “Some of the most collectible
guitars in the world are here, including the Les
Pauls’ from ‘58, ‘59, and 1960. They have 34
examples of those, and they probably only
have a handful out. I think what’s neat about
this collection is a lot of people are going to get
to experience it, and that’s what is really the
most important, as well as for young people to
see instruments like these and get involved with
Not to be overlooked, the museum also features
by is the quality of the pieces they’ve collected
continued on page 34
over the years. You’re seeing great examples
of great American made instruments that are
Upon entering the museum, a small gift shop
and counter are off to your left side, but
directly in front of you is the winged guitar
Songbirds logo representing the music that
has been created with these pieces over
the years. The instruments are gathered in
clusters per their era or style, and some feature
amplifiers, pedals, and memorabilia that is also
period correct.
For Fender fans, there are 300 custom color
instruments, including a variety of one-of-
a-kind pieces, and some I had only seen in
books or documentaries. The Gibson Firebird
May Jun 2017