Collectible Guitar MayJun 2017 | Page 30

COLUMN SIMO SAYS JD Simo  Hello and welcome to my first column! I am very rather than a conduit. As we delve into our doesn’t like what we do because we were only honored to be asked to do this and excited heroes and learn the instrument, often we tend doing someone else’s thing. Again, this is some to share some of my insight and esoteric to assume the identity of the ones we admire. deep stuff… stuff that has taken years and observations with you. In general, my aim for Some of that is totally normal and fun. We buy years of examining myself to confront and try this is for every column to be different. A living, the same gear, we mimic their sound, we might to understand.  breathing improvisation, if you will. I plan to even buy similar clothes. Over time, however it cover a multitude of topics - from quirky road can stunt our growth. The root of the problem The true greats all have the ability to be stories to more instructional based content, is that our underlying need to be vulnerable completely open and vulnerable. It’s what and all points in between. Wherever the muse through music is often met with fear.  draws you in. It’s compelling. It’s what makes them seem so confident and cool. They’re takes me! When we perform, whether original music or secure enough in themselves to let you, the For this first foray into column writing I’d like to covers, we open ourselves up to be judged listener, see them at their most naked. Whether tackle a fundamental topic when it comes to by others. The same can be said if we make it is Neil Young playing “Old Man”, Jimi Hendrix music: vulnerability. If you are like me, just the albums or record music for others to enjoy. playing “Machine Gun”, or John Lennon playing word makes me recoil a tad. I think universally No one is immune from reactions of insecurity, “Mother” …they’ve lifted the veil and let you in. we are all drawn to the guitar (or any instrument given the very nature of others critiquing your It’s the universal cool. However, it is probably really) subconsciously because it offers us work. Seriously folks, no one! No matter how the hardest thing to do. To actually delve deep a unique identity. We are drawn to the visual successful or famous. We are all human and it inside, accept what you find there, and then let of a confident, axe-wielding demi-god whom bothers everyone. Take some solace in that for others see it is a lot to take on. To me it makes we think has anything and everything that we a minute. Given that the element of judgement the great ones all the more special! want for ourselves. We all, of course, want to is omnipresent, it’s often easier for us to not to be liked, and we all seek approval or the need let go of our alter egos or “shield” and let our All I can say in closing is that music at its best is to feel accepted or “cool”. The problem is, it is true music self show. When using music as a channeled, not thought. There is a trust involved far too easy to use our instrument as a shield shield, deep down it is not as hurtful if someone where you can take what you’ve practiced and trust it and yourself enough to let it “happen”. I urge you to dig deep within yourself and try to see what is really there. We all are different, yet the same. Everything you have in you is in some way relatable to everyone else. Next time you play a gig, push yourself to go beyond what is comfortable and try to not be so concerned with being cool. Just be cool by being yourself. For you are the only YOU there is. Know that the “shield” is unnecessary. There is nothing that can hurt you, and the guitar is there for you to express THROUGH, not to hide behind. Your guitar is your best friend who can express for you whatever you want it to - from a whisper to a scream. Let it do its job and open yourself up to let out what is already there and waiting to be tapped. You won’t regret it.  Much love and peace. JD 30 May  Jun 2017