a big thing for me. Racer X, Vinnie Moore, composers. I say “Bossa Nova” because most
and others. At the same time, I was getting people see Brazilian music as Bossa Nova, but
the instructional videos too. Richie Kotzen, Bossa Nova is more like the music of the 50’s
Vinnie Moore, Paul Gilbert, Frank Gambale, and 60’s, so I was also learning the Brazilian
and this is all in the late 80’s, when I was music of the 70’s and 80’s. Nowadays, I try to
sixteen years old. I had passed through combine all of those elements somehow. The
the first chords and scales, I was already Brazilian traditional music with the shredders
improvising some stuff, and I was trying and the Metal and everything.
my best to play like those guys. It was very
motivating for me. I was fifteen or sixteen [CG] As you look at the theory, technique,
and suddenly I had these albums from Jason harmonic and rhythmic framework, Brazilian
Becker when he was seventeen or eighteen, music and Metal are kind of at opposite ends
Yngwie Malmsteen, and Paul Gilbert – they of the universe. Do you kind of put on a Heavy
were so young. Metal hat and think, “Alright, now I’m thinking
like a Metal player. I’m thinking harmonically
Of course, nowadays it’s a different game and rhythmically and melodically like a Metal
because you just turn on YouTube and you player. And now I’m wearing another hat
see a kid who is five years old (laughs). But, playing Brazilian music, playing Jazz?” Or do
back then when I was fifteen or sixteen, you just see it as all being music and you just
seeing a guy with an album that had been think the same way about all music?
released when he was seventeen or eighteen
was a big motivation. Some people think, [Kiko] That’s a good question. It is different,
“I’m never going to be able to do that,” and you know, I think of it like wearing different hats.
they just give up. But for me it was more like, You could take a Megadeth song, and you’re
“This is going to motivate me to practice basically in a certain mode most of the time. It’s
more because I want to compose songs like almost always Minor and Phrygian. And then
that! I want to do an album like that!” you take a song from Brazilian music, and it’s
going to be completely different. You’re talking
I was not a fan of any specific one of them, it about Brazilian music as 500 years of culture,
was more like the whole thing. But, of course, and it’s a big country, so you cannot compare it
Greg Howe was a big deal for me. And then to one band, or one or two composers. When
I started listening to all of the fusion guys I’m playing Megadeth songs I tend to look at
too, like Scott Henderson, or Stanley Jordan Metal, which is a style of music, and also how
with his tapping technique. And I listened Megadeth has inspired this style of music. Dave
to the metal bands as well. I remember, in (Mustaine) has his own style and legacy and
’91, going to see Megadeth at Rock in Rio elements to define the musical concept. When
with Marty Friedman on the Rest in Peace you’re talking about Brazilian music, it’s huge,
tour – amazing! you know? But if you take one composer from
Brazil, then it’s easier to focus on playing more
At the same time, I was always a big fan
like that particular person.
of Brazilian music. Growing up, my mother
was always listening to Bossa Nova and When you’re performing on stage, it’s a
other traditional Brazilian music, which has completely
a lot in common with Jazz. Not really on the mindset is like you’re going to make a speech.
improvisation side, but more the chords and You prepare, you practice what you’re going to
the harmonies. I was trying figure out how say, you go over it again and again and really
to improvise those harmonies and play over memorize it, and then you go on stage and
those chords. I was practicing and learning deliver it the best that you can. The Brazilian
the Brazilian standards and the Bossa Nova music, or Jazz, or just improvisational music
Jul Aug 2017