Collaborative Laboratory Collaborative Laboratory | Page 63


That is nothing to be proud of. There is nothing but sadness that comes with that statistic. What have you proved? That you’re able to brainwash enough of the students to go to a larger facility that costs more money but is pretty much the same garbage you’ve been teaching them their whole lives?

Exactly. It is not something to be proud of. They are successful at creating workers of the future. Office workers who will not fall to free thinking. Remember, don’t question everything. We know whats best for you.

With the internet now, more and more people are thinking freely and it’s so obvious they’re trying to contain us but it’s not working.

Why do you think they have tried passing SOPA, PIPA, ACTA (?). Exactly the reason so.

Whoever you are, I love you. I have to leave now but thank you for this. Good luck in your schoolless endeavors.

Have a very nice day, friend. (also.. I know this is supposed to be anonymous.. but whoever you are, when you get back on... I would like to know who you are, if you don’t mind. If not, understandable.)

The funny thing is you know who I am

Hmm.. yes that is funny. We know each other, but we don’t at the same time..