Cold Link Africa September/October 2017 | Page 31

EVENTS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN its energy use, lowering its environmental footprint, and increasing its economic benefits. The workshop was open for all conference participants. UNEP ECA1 ozone networking held an annual meeting in parallel with the conference. HVAC&R experts from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries took part in the IIR conference, offering a chance to derive all the benefits from the conference itself, to exchange information from known experts, and to network. The key message from the president of the organising committee, Risto Ciconkov, was to say, “Instead of being occupied with a phase-down of HFC gases, environmental taxes, restrictions, and so on, let us start with a new approach: PHASE-IN of natural refrigerants.” Ohrid is a picturesque city with interesting buildings dating back to the nineteenth century. Delegates were taken on a sightseeing trip to a fishing village approximately 30km from the conference centre. As in previous years, the gala dinner was a very festive and enjoyable evening. The next conference will take place in April 2019. CLA • The papers presented can be downloaded from