Cold Link Africa September/October 2017 | Page 3

ISSN 2412-7779 REGULARS CONTENTS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN VOL. 03 - NO.01 | SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2017 9 REGULARS 3 Editor’s column 49 Word search 50 Products NEWS 4 7 9 In memory of Dave Mathers Serco delivers multi-temperature body for Durban eatery chain Celebrating 30 years of Cold Link INTERNATIONAL NEWS 15 Emirates SkyCargo receives prestigious pharma award 34 43 17 Cool Logistics to explore effect of new technology 19 Global refrigeration headlines from IIR 33 Less than a year to FRIGAIR 2018! 34 Thermo King launches new trailer units ASSOCIATIONS FEATURES 23 Deciduous fruit industry signs Bee and Pollination Charter 23 SARDA welcomes two new members 25 Recognising the value of fresh produce market agents 37 Application of SANS 1518 to anhydrous ammonia tankers 39 Reefer trends in the African market EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS 43 FPT increases cold treatment capacity for citrus exports PROJECTS 27 HCFC stakeholders discuss future of refrigerants 28 SARDA Tony Lewis winner represents in California 30 IIR conference looks at natural refrigerant technologies EDITOR’S COLUMN 30 years of Cold Link Africa L ooking back at the anxiety around the publishing of the first The Cold Link in September 1987, the three decades that followed have been more than rewarding. The 10-page first edition, mostly printed in black and white on litho machines, is a far cry from the current 52-page issues printed in full colour. It is truly heart-warming that some of the advertisers that appeared in the first issue — in particular, Kovco, Apex Strip Curtains, Serco, Minus 40, and Henred Fruehauf — are still part of our international network of supporters. Many people from all sectors of the industry, locally and abroad, have contributed towards the growth of the publication and I remain truly thankful to them all. Sadly, we have also had to bid farewell to many of our readers, some of whom passed on tragically and others because of age. The archives of old issues remain a living memory of their earthly journey. The growth of The Cold Link from a one-man-band has been an extraordinary journey, only made possible by the grace of life, for which I remain humbled. International conferences, exhibitions, trade shows, and association events have always been a prominent feature in Cold Link Africa to keep our readers updated about developing trends and new technologies. Active participation at these events have added to a vast network of contacts and readers. Francois Smith proudly represented South Africa at the IARW Convention held in the US in April and competed against three other contestants to select the best of our future leaders. (Page 28) The IIR natural refrigerant conference held in Macedonia in May 2017 once again had delegates from South Africa and we also report on this event in this issue. (Page 30) Three body builders — Elite Fibre, GRW, and Serco — have had the thermal efficiency of production models of refrigerated trailers tested in the new SABS/ GIZ chamber. As can be expected, teething problems were experienced in the test procedures, administration, communication, and the issue of certificates. Two of the main issues arose as to the requirement for a pull-down test when only the k-value was tested, and the clause in specification SABS 1744 that the refrigeration unit be fitted for the test. All these issues were dealt with at a meeting of role players with the SABS on Thursday, 3 August 2017. Simply put, the SABS — in accordance with international standards — is required to adhere to all the requirements of the test standard to which the product is being tested, that is, in the case of refrigerated vehicles, according to SABS 1744. The meeting was of mutual benefit, with a positive outcome for the way forward. The specification is to be amended to address the issues mentioned, and while the amendment is in progress, special concessions will be made in the form of contracts between the SABS and clients wanting to have vehicles tested. The agreements reached will undoubtedly pave the way for all vehicles, new and those in service, to be tested. With this agreement, industry should support the chamber to the fullest, as this will improve performance levels in the transport of temperature- sensitive perishables in South Africa. Happy reading and thank you for being part of our 30th celebration. CLA COLD LINK AFRICA • September | October 2017 John Ackermann Editor | [email protected] 3