Cold Link Africa September/October 2017 | Page 29

During the two-day convention , open discussions were held .
Francois Smith , logistics manager at Sequence Logistics .
storage facilities . Service providers will have to offer a complete supply chain solution — from source to final consumer .
“ My personal dream is that the cold storage industry in South Africa will approach tertiary institutions to provide leadership and training programmes to get the younger generation interested in the cold storage industry and inspire them to enter the industry and make a career of it .”
What Smith found daunting was doing a presentation for the first time in front of an audience of such magnitude . But he fared well and was a true ambassador for South Africa .
“ In total , there were about 800 delegates , many with their partners , and I met so many new people and was able to network among many experienced service providers in third-party distribution , cold storage warehousing , and in-house cold store operations ,” says Smith .
The presentations on automated warehouses , crane bulk picking , and distribution were of particular interest . “ What caught my imagination was the online shopping and it was said that the next step would be the home delivery of household groceries by drone ,” he says .
From the discussions around HR , it was evident that most countries struggle to attract young people wanting to make cold storage a career .
The discussions all pointed to the need for institutionalised training in cold storage management . During the convention , there was a site visit to a food bank approximately 30km from the convention . The food bank , one large cold store operating at -18 ° C — and the refrigeration are powered from solar panels . Many of the poor that are being fed by the food bank are families of those who are in the armed forces on peacekeeping missions or fighting in civil conflicts in other countries .
“ The convention , adjoining small exhibition , the social programme , and the many presentations were truly an amazing experience ,” says Smith . “ The convention is an event that I hope to attend every year , even at my own expense , as it will certainly be of value to my career in cold storage .”
“ The hospitality and friendship extended by IARW and the Global Cold Chain Alliance was heart-warming and encouraging . The contacts that I ’ ve built up across the world will certainly be of great value to my career in the cold storage industry ,” he says . CLA