Cold Link Africa September/October 2017 | Page 23

ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Deciduous fruit industry signs Bee and Pollination Charter The Western Cape Bee Industry Association representative, Nelson De La Querra, said that the agreement will prevent producers from spraying pesticides while bees are active and that chemical representatives will provide products with clear instructions to producers. “This is a big breakthrough for the bee farmers … that the producers agree to honour the principles of the charter and undertake to stick to it,” he said. The Hortgro Science Technical Symposium is an annual event that brings together industry players and provides exposure to the latest international and local deciduous fruit industry research. GAME OF FRUIT 2017 The Game of Fruit kicked off with deciduous fruit industry players The Bee and Pollination Charter was signed at this year’s Hortgro Science Technical Symposium. descending Allée Bleue wine estate in Franschoek despite the raging According to Hortgro Science general eci