Cold Link Africa September 2024 | Page 5

COLD LINK AFRICA PUBLISHED BY Interact Media Defined ( Pty ) Ltd 13A Riley Rd , Bedfordview , 2007 , South Africa PO Box 695 , Edenvale , 1610 Tel : + 27 ( 0 ) 11 579 4940 Web : www . interactmedia . co . za
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AI agriculture pest detection tool from Kenya wins award

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AI agriculture pest detection tool from Kenya wins tenth Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation in Nairobi

Esther Kimani was recently named winner of Africa ’ s biggest engineering prize , the Royal Academy of Engineering ’ s Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation , in Nairobi . Her early crop pest and disease detection device was selected as the winning innovation for its ability to swiftly detect and identify agricultural pests and diseases , reducing crop losses for smallholder farmers by up to 30 % while increasing yields by as much as 40 %.
Five million smallholder farmers in Kenya lose on average 33 % of their crops to pests and diseases . Kimani ' s innovation not only provides real-time alerts within five seconds of an infestation , offering tailored intervention suggestions , but also alerts government agricultural officers to the presence of diseases or pests , contributing to broader agricultural management efforts .
The solar-powered tool uses computer vision algorithms and advanced machine learning to detect and identify crop pests , pathogens or diseases , as well as the nature of the infection or infestation . The device then notifies the farmer via SMS . This affordable alternative to traditional detection methods leases for just USD3 per month , significantly cheaper than hiring drones or agricultural inspectors .
The annual Africa Prize was founded by the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2014 to support innovators developing sustainable and scalable engineering solutions to local challenges in Africa . This year has seen the Africa Prize alumni community grow to almost 150 entrepreneurs from 23 countries , who together have generated more than 28 000 jobs and benefitted more than 10 million people through their innovative products and services .
Images supplied by the Royal Academy of Engineering
Esther Kimani with her invention .
Kimani says : “ My parents would lose up to 40 % of their crops each farming season , which affected our standard of living . We are empowering smallholder farmers , many of whom are women , to increase their income . We aim to scale to one million farmers in the next five years .”
Kimani received KSh 8.3 million to further develop the device . This is the largest amount awarded to a winner , in honour of the 10th Anniversary of the Prize . The four finalists delivered their final business pitch to the Academy judges and an in-person audience of approximately 700 .
The three runners up that were each awarded KSh 2.5 million to develop their innovations , were :
• Eco Tiles , Kevin Maina , Kenya : An environmentally friendly roofing material made from recycled plastic . Stronger and lighter than clay or concrete tiles , the innovation is a dual solution to plastic pollution and high building costs . The innovative manufacturing process involves a custom-made extrusion machine that blends different plastics at varying temperatures , eliminating the need for energy-intensive processes like kiln-burning and reducing carbon emissions . The tiles are enhanced with UV stabilisation chemicals and construction sand to improve durability and sturdiness .
• La Ruche Health , Rory Assandey , Côte d ' Ivoire : La Ruche Health connects communities to vital health information , advice , and services through ‘ Kiko ’, an AI chatbot tool available on WhatsApp and mobile apps , and a digital backend solution to streamline documentation , billing , and data sharing for practitioners . By May 2024 , the AI has facilitated over 150 000 user interactions and 189 inhome and teleconsultation appointments , processing over USD18 000 in medical billings , illustrating its effectiveness and scalability .
• Yo-Waste , Martin Tumusiime , Uganda : Addressing Uganda ' s mounting waste crisis , Yo-Waste is a location-based mobile application that connects homes and businesses to independent agents for efficient on-demand rubbish collection and disposal . Yo-Waste currently serves over 1 500 customers including homes , businesses , and waste collection agents , with a goal to reach 20 000 users by 2026 .
A separate ‘ One to Watch ’ award was also
awarded to Dr Abubakari Zarouk Imoro for
his innovation , Myco-Substitutes , on the
night for their innovation ’ s impact on local
communities . Voted for by live and online
audiences , Dr Imoro receives £ 5 000 ,
conferred in 2024 in honour of Martin Bruce ,
a late Ghanaian alumnus of the Africa Prize .
Reproduction of any of the content and photographs is expressly forbidden in terms of the Copyright Act of 1987
The 2025 Africa Prize for Engineering
with all amendments . All requests to reproduce must be
Innovation , launched at the 2024 final ,
made in writing to the publisher and such confirmation must be given in writing before proceeding . A copy of
is now open for entries . The Academy is
where the reproduction was published must be supplied to the publisher at the above address . All publication and exhibition titles are registered as trademarks in terms of the
looking for scalable engineering solutions designed to solve local challenges , and
Trademarks Act of 1993 and are held by Interact Media
Defined ( Pty ) Ltd , Reg No 2014 / 092774 / 07 .
individuals and small teams living and working in sub-Saharan Africa are invited to
This publication has committed itself to maintain the highest
enter . The deadline for entries is 15 October .
standards of journalism as embodied in the Press Code of
Visit the ‘ How to Apply ’ guide on the Africa
Professional Practice . If you believe we have failed to report news and comment accurately , honestly and fairly , you may
Prize website .
lodge a complaint with the Press Ombudsman either by email , letter , or by telephoning the office for the procedure to be followed . Tel : + 27 ( 0 ) 11 484 3612 / 8 .
The Africa Prize presents a unique opportunity to support the brightest minds
Email : enquiries @ ombudsman . org . za
Website : www . presscouncil . org . za for the press code and / or the complaints form .
in tackling the greatest global challenges while improving economic prosperity and
sustainable development for Africa through
engineering . To learn more about becoming
an Africa Prize partner , contact the Academy
at development . team @ raeng . org . uk .
The remaining innovations shortlisted for
the 2024 Africa Prize were :
• Beba-Beggie , Charles Oduk , Kenya –
An IoT automated locker technology
offering affordable , accessible , secure
and convenient short-term storage .
When measurement matters
Esther Kimani receiving Africa ’ s biggest engineering prize , the Royal Academy of
Engineering ’ s Africa Prize for Engineering
• Biomass Briquettes , Ludo Ntshiwa ,
Botswana – An environmentallyfriendly clean fuel that harnesses the
Innovation , in Nairobi .
green energy of biowaste to produce
COLD LINK AFRICA • September 2024
www . coldlinkafrica . co . za