The PE SAIRAC centre was also privileged
and honoured that Dr Dreosti’s daughter,
Joan, and her husband, Dr Ian Huskisson,
journeyed from their home in Knysna to
attend this Dreosti Memorial Lecture.
The Dreosti Memorial Lecture series came
to an end in Cape Town on Wednesday,
19 June, at Elsenburg in Stellenbosch. It
was well attended, although there were
quite a few registered attendees who
failed to show up.
After a few words by SAIRAC centre
Cape Town chair, Louis Vermeulen and a
welcome and introduction from SAIRAC
national president, Marius La Grange, Dr
Hasse took to the podium to deliver his
lecture one more time.
“I am happy that the average age of
SAIRAC members is coming down,” said
Vermeulen after the event. “The older
members are helping the younger ones
integrate into the industry and I’m happy
to see knowledge transfer.”
Vermeulen said that the topic was
very interesting and well-timed in terms
of industry reaching a turning point with
technology. He said the presentation
was very interesting because it was
about much more than R290 and there
was a lot to learn about things you don’t
normally necessarily think about, like the
1. At the PE event, seated in front,
from left: Dr Volkmar Hasse,
Piet le Roux, Joan Huskisson
(daughter of Dr Dreosti); and
her husband Dr Ian Huskisson.
2. From left: Dr Volkmar Hasse,
Joan Huskisson, and Dr Ian
man is an archive of knowledge and
experience, gained during a career
spanning 40 years. His knowledge and
experience enables him to anticipate
future trends and developments and
make recommendations, as well as offer
advice, related to important strategic
technological decisions. Dr Hasse enjoys
sharing his wealth of knowledge and
experience with others. We wish Dr Hasse
all the best for the next phase of his life –
his retirement in the Philippines.”
3. Deon Schmidt presenting a
thank you gift to Dr Hasse.
storing of energy, for example. “I’ve had
a lot of positive feedback from attendees
and it was good to see some familiar
faces,” said Vermeulen.
According to the association president,
SAIRAC’s primary intention with this event
was to share knowledge and promote the
application of R290 as an environmentally-
friendly alternative refrigerant that is
also more energy efficient than many
current alternatives. “A secondary goal
for SAIRAC would be to get our members
together under one roof in each centre to
network and collaborate where possible,
as industry role players,” said La Grange.
“I believe the attendance reflected
the interest and willingness from industry
role players to consider a natural
refrigerant like R290 as an option in
many applications. The feedback we’ve
received from our members thus far is very
positive. We have developed a scoring
system to evaluate the results from these
presentations and close to 60% of those
who have attended this lecture would