Cold Link Africa October 2023 | Page 5

COLD LINK AFRICA PUBLISHED BY Interact Media Defined ( Pty ) Ltd 13A Riley Rd , Bedfordview 2007 , South Africa PO Box 695 , Edenvale , 1610 Tel : + 27 ( 0 ) 11 579 4940 Web : www . interactmedia . co . za
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IWC ’ s heat exchanger helps dairy farms go green

EDITOR : Eamonn Ryan eamonn @ interactmedia . co . za
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greener path for dairy farms : cutting energy consumption with IWC ’ s locally produced heat exchanger .
IWC were contacted earlier this year by a local dairy farm to assess its current plate heat exchanger and provide guidance on a thermal solution that would cater to their increased milk cooling capacity needs of 8 000l / hour .
A plate heat exchanger is a device that transfers heat from one fluid to another through a flat metal plate . It is widely used in the dairy industry for heating and cooling purposes .
By the close of the 19th century , heat treatment of milk had become commonplace , with most dairies using the process for some purpose or another , including for milk intended for cheese and butter production .
The reason for heat treatment is that before its introduction , milk was a source of infection , being an aggressive growth medium for microorganisms . Diseases such as tuberculosis and typhus were occasionally spread by milk .
The term ‘ pasteurisation ’ commemorates Louis Pasteur , who in the middle of the 19th century made his fundamental studies on the lethal effect of heat on microorganisms , and the use of heat treatment as a preservative technique . The pasteurisation of milk is a special type of heat treatment , which can be defined as “ any heat treatment of milk that secures the certain destruction of tubercle bacillus ( T . B .) without markedly affecting the physical and chemical properties of the milk .”
On a dairy farm , plate heat exchangers are used to pre-cool milk before it enters the bulk tank . This is done by passing the warm milk through one side of the plate heat exchanger while cool water flows through the other side . The heat from the milk is transferred to the water , which cools the milk down to a temperature of around 10 ° C . Precooling milk using a plate heat exchanger can reduce cooling costs by up to 50 %.
In the instance of the IWC project , the farm ’ s current plate heat exchanger was leaking , and the efficiency of the milk cooling process and milk production output was being affected . Milk cooling accounts for about 60 % of the total energy costs of a dairy farm , so it was imperative that the plate heat exchanger be repaired or replaced .
IWC ’ s recommendation was to replace the current plate heat exchanger with a new IWC60B plate and frame heat exchanger . Its PHE comes complete with a locally manufactured mild steel painted frame , dairy unions and food grade SS316 plates and EPDM gaskets .
Further to the increased cooling capacity need , the new heat exchanger would also be required to cool milk in two stages . The first section will cool the milk from 37 ° C to 25 ° C using cooling water coming in at 22 ° C . The second section would cool the milk further down from 25 ° C to 6 ° C using chilled water at 2 ° C .
Supplied by IWC , edited by Eamonn Ryan
COLD LINK AFRICA • October 2023 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za
Supplied by IWC Supplied by IWC Adobe Stock _ 55774465
Milk cooling is a major contributing factor to the quality of milk on farms and the level of bacteria build-up in milk . Cooling the milk immediately after milking will limit microbial growth and reduce spoilage of milk . Every degree in temperature above 4 ° C elevates
1 and 2 : After
If operated efficiently to its maximum potential , a PHE unit can have significant cost savings . A reduction of up to 60 % in milk cooling costs is achievable . Higher milk quality is also achievable with reduced
Supplied by IWC
bacteria counts and decreases the shelf life of finished products .
The goal is to cool milk to 4˚ C within 30 minutes of the completion of milking . Pre-cooling and refrigeration are the core processes of cooling milk on dairy farms .
levels of bacteria growth during storage . The PHE can be cleaned in regular intervals to ensure the compliance to strict health and safety regulations . CLA
1 . Tetrapak Dairy Processing Handbook
The reason for heat treatment is that before its introduction , milk was a source of infection .