Full house at recent graduation ceremony By Benjamin Brits
OTTC celebrated another graduation group of eleven ammonia technicians , as well as handing over certificates for the safe handling of ammonia to an additional group of students .
Held at the Open Trade Training Centre ( OTTC ) at the end of August , both groups were celebrated through the tradition of a formal ceremony hosted by centre owner Isolde Dobelin , ammonia specialist master trainer Kurt Johannsen , and newly appointed technical director Anamarie Penniston Sibiya .
Welcoming all attendees and guests and addressing the graduates , Dobelin was again proud to announce the success of all the learners through the high-quality standards of the training centre where everyone is actively involved .
“ Congratulations to the group . It is important for us that our learners don ’ t simply just get this diploma for sitting in a classroom . Everyone has to learn , ask questions , interact , and importantly , understand what they have learned . As the graduates now know , being an ammonia technician is not that simple . Taking up a book or doing research on the internet or watching videos – which is the trend these days , does not always make sense to everyone – you also very seldom will find the same problems you see there on the plant where you are working . Hands-on practical training has shown learners how to make sense of a plant from a variety of aspects that they may experience , from the design of the engineer and development of the plant onwards . We will never sign off on this diploma if learners don ’ t know what they are doing because in this line of work it is crucial to be properly trained not only for the technicians but for others involved in a plant too .”
Further Dobelin spoke to students about the concept of OTTC Skills City Africa , of which the OTTC training centre is part from now on . She further went on to talk about the importance of artisans in society and the many opportunities that exist , and in several industry segments .
Penniston Sibiya , who is in the process of taking over the reins from Dobelin and who would ensure the ongoing success of the training centre , also took the opportunity to address the graduates . She noted foremost some her dialogues exchanged with various learners over the training course and the importance of passion in what each person does or wants to achieve , which was well received .
“ Becoming qualified as an ammonia technician should not be about coming here and completing this training ‘ because my company said I must ’. This is an opportunity for each learner to better themselves and to move forward but this requires passion . Generally , in your life , a love of what you do
All images : © Cold Link Africa | Benjamin Brits
Isolde Dobelin , owner of the Open Trade Training Centre , addressing the two groups of graduates .
is very important . If you don ’ t have this , then rather choose something else . Don ' t choose this career just because you will get money each week or month . I urge each one to do your best at making something of yourself , because no one else is going to do that for you . Gaining an ammonia qualification from OTTC , which you all know now is not child ’ s play , is the start for every graduate to make that happen . Around the world and indeed in South Africa , the job markets are tough , but the world cannot survive without refrigeration and cooling systems , so growing your career in this is guaranteed to be successful , but this must again involve a passion . We are serious about what we do here and the knowledge that we provide to the learners . I say to all of the graduates , go out there , practice what you have learned and grow your knowledge further .”
The group of ammonia technician diploma , and safe handling of ammonia recipients celebrate their achievement at the Open Trade Training Centre .
Anamarie Penniston Sibiya , discussing the need for passion in one ’ s career choices .
Dobelin continued speaking to the attendees and gave a little insight into the training centre ’ s origins and how it came about and linked the passion Penniston Sibiya spoke about to her late husband who together with her founded the centre to meet the growing need of a suitably trained and knowledgeable industry . With his extensive understanding , particularly of the ammonia sector , and the basis of the German model of learnership ( which is the concept adopted at the OTTC Skills City Africa ), the training centre was established .
Graduates were presented their diplomas whereafter the certificates were issued to the learners who had completed the safe handling of ammonia . Notably these certifications are classed as Category B , while ammonia technician diplomas as Category A , and thus require supervision when handling ammonia refrigerant . Graduates were reminded of the safety measures required when working with ammonia . CLA
This is an opportunity for each learner to better themselves and to move forward .
COLD LINK AFRICA • October 2021 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 17