Cold Link Africa October 2021 | Page 14

It is widely understood that the energy sector is the backbone of the South African economy . However , this sector faces various challenges which must be addressed for wider socio-economic advancement .

SANEDI strategy set to address key issues of today ’ s changing energy landscape By South African National Energy Development Institute

It is widely understood that the energy sector is the backbone of the South African economy . However , this sector faces various challenges which must be addressed for wider socio-economic advancement .

Gordon Johnsom | Pixabay

In light of this , the South African National Energy Development Institute ( SANEDI ) has developed a new strategic plan which positions the institute to address key energy sector issues .

SANEDI interim CEO , Lethabo Manamela explains : “ SANEDI was established in terms of the National Energy Act in 2011 , as an agency of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy . The institute has since been directing applied energy research in South Africa and implementing energy efficiency measures in the country , working with local and international partners . However , the energy landscape has greatly changed in the ten years since SANEDI ’ s inception , and we as an institute must adapt to these changes .”
The new strategy is set to address three key issues facing the energy sector and wider South
African community . “ The first issue is climate change and decarbonisation , which is a prominent concern in our energy landscape , which is still dominated by coal . In response , SANEDI aims to drive the accelerated adoption of clean energy and mitigation solutions towards meeting national and international commitments ,” explains Manamela . The institute will continue to focus on decarbonisation through technological programmes , compliance monitoring , and awareness campaigns .
The second issue is service delivery within the municipal environment , which SANEDI will address through its Smart Grids programme , particularly as it relates to transport , energy , revenue , and asset management . “ Through smart grids , e-mobility , revenue and asset management and energy efficiency initiatives , significant opportunities exist within the municipal environment to drive service delivery ,
Making progress towards a more sustainable and efficient energy sector is essential . enhance performance and create a lasting impact ,” says Manamela .
The third issue is information , knowledge , and technological convergence . “ Information is being generated at a rapid rate , where centralised sources of information can be utilised to derive real insights that can influence decision-making . This improved decision making has the power to contribute towards the socio-economic development of the country . Manamela adds , “ SANEDI is setting out to improve information and knowledge management , to increase the national dataset on energy-related information . Through this , we look forward to contributing to improving public sector policy making and private sector investment decisions .”
“ Beyond this , we acknowledge that we must focus on programmes that create maximum impact , so that we can make the best use of our effort and resources . We believe that our Smart Grid Programme provides a significant area of opportunity , based on the current state of municipalities and the future trend towards increased urbanisation and SMART cities ,” says Manamela .
“ With our new strategic vision , we are confident that SANEDI will continue making progress towards a more sustainable and efficient energy sector which is equipped to support South Africa ’ s economic and social development and improving the competitiveness of the country and the lives of her people ,” concludes Manamela . While focus is placed on this programme , the institute remains dedicated to its national
SANEDI interim CEO , Lethabo Manamela .
and international commitments towards decarbonisation , which is a global focus as the world aims to mitigate climate change .
The South African National Energy Development Institute ( SANEDI ), established by the Government , directs , monitors and conducts applied energy research to develop innovative , integrated solutions to catalyse growth and prosperity in the green economy . It drives scientific evidence-driven ventures that contribute to youth empowerment , gender equity , environmental sustainability , and the 4 th Industrial Revolution , within the National Development Plan ( NDP ), through consultative , sustainable energy projects . CLA

14 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • October 2021