Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 4

NEWS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Bitzer Refrigerant Report 20 available for free download through transitional periods. However, the European Union also committed to refrigerants, refrigerants with high global enforced in several stages. The main warming potential (GWP) will in the reason for this early ban of R22, contrary future be subject to use restrictions or to the international agreement, is the bans. This will affect primarily R404A and ozone depletion potential — although it R507A, for which alternatives with lower is only small. GWP are already being offered. However, to achieve the legal became effective in other countries as objectives, substitutes for further well, for instance in the US. This implies refrigerants and increased use of enormous consequences for the entire naturally occurring substances (NH 3 , and development of environmentally oils, and adjusted systems. Therefore, a friendly system designs. close cooperation exists with scientific After the chlorine-free (ODP = 0) institutions, the refrigeration and oil as well as a number of innovative widely established for many years refrigeration and air-conditioning itzer’s Refrigerant Report 20 was in commercial refrigeration, air- companies. officially released last year at conditioning, and heat pump systems, A large number of development Chillventa and can now be new challenges have come up. They tasks have been completed. Suitable downloaded for free to get all the latest concern primarily the greenhouse compressors for alternative refrigerants information on refrigerants. effect: The aim is a clear reduction in are available. Besides the development direct emissions caused by refrigerant projects, Bitzer actively supports legal losses and indirect emissions by regulations and self-commitments particularly efficient system technology. concerning the responsible use of In this area, applicable legal refrigerants as well as measures to to refrigerant emissions have led to regulations are already in force, such as increase system and components’ drastic changes in the refrigeration and the EU F-Gas Regulation No. 517/2014 efficiency. air-conditioning technology since the and a series of regulations already beginning of the 1990s. ratified or in preparation as part of the measures of a short-term to medium- EU Ecodesign Directive. term change towards technologies This is especially true for the area of commercial refrigeration and air- Similar regulations are also in The report deals with potential with reduced environmental impact conditioning systems with their wide preparation or already implemented in medium and large size commercial range of applications. In former years, in Australia, Canada, and the US. On refrigeration and air-conditioning the main refrigerants used for these an international level, the so-called systems. Furthermore, the experiences systems were ozone depleting types, Kigali Amendment was adopted in so far and the resulting consequences namely R12, R22, and R502; for special 2016 under the Montreal Protocol, in for plant technology are discussed. applications R114, R12B1, R13B1, R13, which a step-by-step reduction of HFCs and R503 were used. (‘HFC phase-down’) was agreed upon, The use of these substances is no longer allowed in industrialised countries, but the use of R22 has been extended SUB-EDITOR: Tarren Bolton [email protected] PROCESS CO-ORDINATOR: Lebo Bucibo [email protected] R507A, and R410A have become as atmospheric greenhouse effect due SUBSCRIPTIONS: Maxlee Marange | [email protected] Ralph Shongwe | [email protected] testing of these refrigerants, suitable necessary. This requires comprehensive industries, component manufacturers, Stratospheric ozone depletion as well ADVERTISING SALES External sales: Dale Macnamara [email protected] Zeldalee du Toit [email protected] taking a leading role in the research HFC refrigerants R134a, R404A, R407C, REFRIGERANT DEVELOPMENT STAFF WRITER: Ntsako Khosa [email protected] DESIGN AND LAYOUT: Glyniss Bone [email protected] Bitzer therefore committed itself to B PUBLISHING UNIT LEAD: Dale Macnamara [email protected] CO 2 , hydrocarbons) will become refrigeration and air-conditioning sector. equivalent) emissions caused by HFC an early phase-out for R22, which was Since 2010, phase-out regulations The 20th Bitzer refrigerant report is now available for download. considerably higher than direct (CO 2 - COLD LINK AFRICA PUBLISHED BY Interact Media Defined (Pty) Ltd 13A Riley Rd, Bedfordview 2009, South Africa PO Box 695, Edenvale, 1610 Tel: +27 (0) 11 579 4940 | Fax: +27 (0) 11 450 1920 Web: starting in 2019. Even though indirect emissions caused by energy production are DOWNLOAD THE REPORT To get the full 48-page report for free, visit CLA MANAGEMENT Finance/operations: Sean Macnamara [email protected] Finance: Laetitia Arnott [email protected] PRINTING: TYPO DISTRIBUTION: [email protected] CIRCULATION: Jul - Dec 2018 Total free distribution 2803 ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY PRINTING All paper is sourced from the Forest Stewardship Council and Chain of Custody-certified suppliers. All waste paper from the plant is recycled. All used plates are recycled. All new printing equipment is purchased for low energy-consumption levels and low volatile organic-compound emissions. 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