Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 24

EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN this year. “It was a good social event to The day was won by Team use as an opportunity to strengthen our Rothenberger, consisting of Steve van relationship with TecsaReco. It was also Zyl, Dereck Stevenson, Adler Tubes and nice to chat with other suppliers that were Amanda Venter. They walked away part of the day about their products,” said with the Alan Brown floating trophy Neels Niemand of R&H Projects. and each team member received a The master of ceremonies for the 9 000 BTU TCL Air Conditioner. “It was evening was John van Rensburg, a well- a golden opportunity to market our known Supersport rugby commentator. products, and to chat to the guys in a Everyone thoroughly enjoyed his jokes and social and relaxed manner,” rugby stories. Stevenson said. Gareth Smit of TecsaReco and Team Absolute Chilled, from left: Warren Hide, Remo Barocci, Ewan Ramann and Louis Jansen. There were two closest-to-the-pin prizes, the first on the eighth hole, which was won by Cornel Oosthuizen and the second on the 16th hole, which was won by Jan Strydom. The longest-drive prize went to hole number three, won by Kobus Le Roux. TecsaReco would like to thank all the solution partners and customers who participated. Without them this day would not have been such a great success. TecsaReco would like to thank all the solution partners and customers who participated. Everyone is already looking forward to the Team DDS. 24 Golf Day in 2020. CLA COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2019