Cold Link Africa November / December 2019 | Page 13

PROJECT INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN placing them on their sides on a shutter humans are eradicating our fauna and board and pouring concrete in to form flora at an exponential rate, while the a base. These altered blocks were then earth’s human population is rapidly nearing used for the ‘holes’ in the wall, as well as for its limit. “The client is a future thinker and planters and lights. The faces of the blocks realises how our perceived value of all were topped off with a matt sealer. genetic diversity will change in the near The Emantini Seed Bank is located on a private estate, and forms part of The Emantini Seed Bank is located on a private estate, and forms part of a private nature reserve. COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2019 “He is a keen plant enthusiast and a private nature reserve, nursery, and would like his personal legacy to be a botanical garden. The main contractor priceless gift back to society. Thus, he was AMS Construction, under the had this vision of popularising the idea leadership of Director Carlos dos Santos, of safeguarding plant genetics. The first who collaborated with the Paragon step in this mammoth task has been to Group on the Malkerns Square Estate and create a cost-effective and beautiful Matsapha Link Shopping Centre, both in Seed Bank as a prototype, in the hope Swaziland. These projects also focused on to inspire other like-minded people to do conventional construction methodologies, the same. He is convinced that the only materials, and non-specialised skills. way to save the planet is by changing Commenting on the importance of the The Emantini Seed Bank in Swaziland aims to safeguard genetic diversity. future especially, when it is too late. the way we think, and this project Seed Bank as a specialised conservation was a good place to start,” Veldsman measure, Veldsman elaborates that concludes.  CLA The construction consists of two refrigerated storage facilities, a laboratory, amenities, and a courtyard. 13