Cold Link Africa November/December 2018

ISSN 2412-7779 R65.55 INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN One consolidated voice for the refrigeration industry Vol. 04 - No. 02 | November/December 2018 PRODUCER PROCESSOR TRANSPORTER DISTRIBUTOR RETAILER CONSUMER 9 EVENTS Stakeholders discuss future of modernising supply chains 16 EVENTS World Cold Chain Summit Vietnam 31 FEATURE Why agri can lead the way for the refrigeration industry Only the best for Karan Beef abattoir 33 By WSP Industrial A state-of-the-art, fully automated robotic cold storage facility was recently completed at the Karan Beef abattoir in Balfour, Mpumalanga. FEATURE Role(s) of water in refrigeration Continued on page 26 COLD LINK AFRICA • November/December 2018 1