Cold Link Africa November/December 2017 | Page 38

EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN HCFC stakeholder progress sluggish By Ilana Koegelenberg and John Ackermann The quarterly HCFC stakeholder meeting took place on 19 September 2017, but progress seem to be lagging as many of the action points remain unchanged. T he meeting took place at its usual venue at the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) in Pretoria and was chaired by Margaret Molefe in the absence of Obed Baloyi. Many of the usual industry stakeholders were absent, while others came from all over (some even flew up from Cape Town for the day) to take part in the discussions on the future of HCFCs and HFCs in South Africa. The first order of business was to go through the minutes of the previous meeting and discuss the various action points identified. Most of the items were deferred to later in the agenda. However, it was reported that quota allocations for HCFC imports, as of 1 January 2018, would all have a validity date of 31 December of the year issued. This matter had been discussed before with the International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) and would finally be implemented. HPMP ROADSHOW The first discussion point on the agenda was on the HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP), starting with feedback regarding the long-standing agenda point of organising a roadshow. The DEA reported that a concept has been drafted and that they have been communicating with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in terms of budget and content. Yuri Sorokin, UNIDO (based in Austria) and monitor of South Africa’s HPMP, was present and confirmed that the proposed roadshow was being reviewed and was one of the items on his agenda during his three- day visit and meetings with the DEA. Lubabalo Maweni of This year we celebrate 30 years since signing the Montreal the DEA confirmed that Protocol, globally kick-starting the phase out of refrigerants the roadshow is planned with negative environmental impacts. 38 for February/March 2018 and UNIDO has allocated USD70 000, subject to the submission of detailed quotations and content of the full programme. The proposed programme would be circulated to stakeholders for comment. MOBILE RECLAMATION MACHINE The next agenda point dealt with an update on the mobile refrigerant reclamation systems, sourced and donated by UNIDO. The systems of reclaim units, gas analysers, platform scales, small recovery units, a selection of 600 reclaim cylinders of different capacities (includes four of 900ℓ capacity), pressure gauges, and so on are currently sitting in Europe, waiting to be shipped to South Africa. Four stations have been ‘donated’ and are awaiting shipping instructions from the DEA. The first meeting of the task team to address the reclaim units took place prior to the HCFC stakeholder meeting, to deal with the concerns raised at the meeting of 29 June 2017. The task team reported that the issues of custom clearance, storage, safety, training, and the development of policy had been discussed. They also discussed benchmarking to see how other countries have implemented similar systems and proposed a study tour (possibly at the end of the year) to Mexico and/or Argentina. It was again suggested that a pilot site be set-up in South Africa before all four systems are brought into the country; however, this would add to the shipping and clearing costs. In the interim, the task team will draft the minimum requirements for any party wanting to bid to operate any of the four systems, and compile an infrastructure policy. R141B CONVERSION PLAN Alan Yates from UNIDO was up next to give an update on the R141B conversion project, which he reported to be successful, as R141B was no longer being imported. All the new foaming equipment funded through the UNIDO programme has been successfully imported, barring one that is still in progress. The equipment is currently being commissioned and everything should be wrapped up by the end of the year. Sorokin would visit some of the sites during his visit. ODS REGULATION AMENDMENTS The DEA reported that the amendment of the ODS regulations, as proposed by the stakeholders, has been done and circulated for comment. HFC MANAGEMENT The next big discussion point was HFCs. The DEA reported that the HFC regulations and ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol have been put on hold, mainly due to uncertainty in terms of funding. This is because the US has pulled out of the initial Paris Agreement. COLD LINK AFRICA • November | December 2017