Cold Link Africa Nov/Dec 2016 | Page 23

EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Where are we with the HCFC phase out? By Ilana Koegelenberg and John Ackermann The quarterly HCFC stakeholder meeting had a busy agenda, discussing the total HCFC numbers for 2015/6, progress on customs training, a possible roadshow, and the updating of the tariff classification of refrigerants, among others. T he meeting took place on Thursday, 29 September at the Department of Science and Technology in Pretoria, as the usual Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) venue was unavailable due to a cabinet meeting. The meeting had about 30 stakeholders in attendance, including representation from industry role players, the DEA and other government departments. Roadshows After the usual formalities and a rundown of the previous meeting ’s action list to check on progress, the first agenda item called for an update on the proposed HCFC Phase out Management Plan (HPMP) roadshows. Lubabalo Maweni of the DEA gave feedback regarding the planning meetings held with the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and ran stakeholders through the proposed programme and objectives of the roadshow. The plan is to take the show to five provinces, starting with Gauteng (Johannesburg) and the Western Cape (Cape Town). During the roadshow, different speakers will present a comprehensive overview of the handling of refrigerants and all the relevant South African legislation, followed by a case study as to how an Article 5 country similar to South Africa has successfully implemented an HPMP. The latter part of the one-day roadshow will split the attendees into groups to brainstorm topical issues like the economic impact of phase down on the HVAC&R sector; mythology to assess refrigerant leakage rates of an HVAC&R plant and systems; and options for funding a national infrastructure for the destruction of unwanted refrigerants. An important element of the roadshow will be the presentation of a booklet handout to serve as a reference guide on all refrigerant issues in South Africa. The booklet will answer the many questions around phase out dates, alternative refrigerants, quotas, pending HFC phase down and so forth. As there is still a lot to do with regard to planning and logistics — never mind getting an attendee distribution list, promotion of venues and dates, and securing funding — it was proposed that the roadshows be moved to early in 2017. Customs training DEA’s Lutendo Ndhlovu also provided feedback during the meeting regarding the various custom training sessions that took place at the country’s border posts. Training was done at Lebombo in Mpumalanga, Grobler’s Bridge in Limpopo, Kopfontein in North West Province, as well as Vioolsdrift (Northern Cape). The training not only looked at the import regulations, but also provided practical training on the use of the gas analysers (funded by UNIDO) for checking the content of cylinders crossing the borders. Without the gas analysers, it is extremely difficult to verify that the contents of cylinders do not contain illegal CFCs, R22 or R134a, as per the markings or import documents. There is a great demand for similar training, and the DEA plans on training more government departments in the near future. UNIDO would be asked to fund more gas analysers so that customs at every border post, all seaports, inland ports and our major international airports are properly equipped. The quarterly HCFC stakeholder meeting in progress. Updated regulations It was also mentioned that the Montreal Protocol was being reviewed in October at a meeting of the parties in Kigali, Rwanda. “Let us position ourselves for the change about to take place in the international space and the controlled phase down of HFCs,” Maweni advised. Tariff headings and classification The importing and the exporting of all ozone depleting substances (ODS) are strictly controlled in the form of quotas issued by the DEA. The International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) also issues permits for each consignment. For proper control, checking of custom documentation, and tracking of imports, all commercial refrigerants require a unique custom tariff code to be referenced to an Ashrae R-number. The range of new refrigerants and the many blends are rapidly expanding, and without a unique tariff code for each, the tonnages imported COLD LINK AFRICA • November | December 2016 are virtually impossible to track and lacks accuracy. Unique tariff codes are also required for imported equipment that is pre-charged with refrigerants. Any implementation of a phase down in the importation of HFCs will have an even greater reliance on unique tariff codes. The lack of tariff codes has hampered the survey to assess South Africa’s imports of HFCs and it will impact on the survey’s accuracy. Without unique tariff codes and the complex chemical description of refrigerants in the custom tariff book, the possibility remains that refrigerant will be imported as other chemicals and not included in the statistics. The need for revised tariff codes has been on the agenda at stakeholder meetings for well over a year and at the meeting of 29 September, the DEA assured everyone that the new tariff codes to be issued in 2017 would address this issue. 23