‘Fresh Connections’
for produce industry
Southern Africa delivered innovations and insights from across the region and the globe
to the well attended 2016 PMA Fresh Connections conference and expo in August.
ore than 500 delegates from
Fresh Connections: Southern Africa had
an expo that featured more than 20
and business specialist; and Professor
seven different countries
top industry leaders under one roof and
exhibitors, where the spotlight was placed
John Simpson, co-founder and director
gathered in Pretoria, South Africa
remains an annual highlight for the fresh
on new products, services, and innovations
at the UCT Unilever Institute of Strategic
on 17 and 18 August to participate in
produce industry, while aiming to provide
to assist in growing the fresh produce
PMA’s sixth annual conference and expo,
valuable connections.
Fresh Connections: Southern Africa 2016.
Global insight on the latest trends,
The programme was developed
The Centre for Growing Talent by PMA
Ten education sessions presented by 30
to ensure that attendees leave the
held a Young Professional reception and
were brought to light by international
speakers/panellists from around the globe
conference inspired and motivated
the Women’s Fresh Perspective Breakfast.
speakers, who included the likes of Ram
provided insights on emerging markets,
to tackle the growing demands of the
The Centre for Growing Talent by PMA
Ottapathu, CEO of the Choppies Group
innovative technology, consumer trends,
industry. In addition to the world-class
aims to retain, develop, and attract
in Botswana; Niek Schelling, agriculture
the role of logistics and much more.
conference speakers, the event boasted
industry talent, and the seated breakfast
counsellor at the Ministry of Economic
ticked the box in this respect with an
Affairs in the Netherlands; Johan Bremmer
inspiring and thought-provoking address
from Wageningen University and Research
from Monhla Hlahla. Hlahla, a successful
Centre; and Dave Corsi, vice-president of
businesswoman, shared her success story
produce at Wegmans.
technology, and international policies
about how she started out on a farm
Delegates can look forward to PMA
harvesting tomatoes to becoming a
Fresh Connections: Southern Africa 2017 in
recognised name in the industry.
Cape Town on 16 and 17 August.
Fresh Connections: Southern Africa
introduced delegates and attendees to
new markets in Africa, South-east Asia
About PMA
and China for new fruit and vegetable
The Produce Marketing Association
exporting opportunities.
(PMA) is the leading trade association
Logistics, the “State of the fresh produce
A packed room for this year’s PMA Fresh Connections conference.
representing companies from every
industry”, “Africa’s emerging consumer
segment of the global produce
markets”, and “Reaching South Africa’s
and floral supply chain. PMA
emerging middle-class consumer market”
helps members grow by providing
were among the many topics discussed
connections that expand business
by industry experts, including Peter Arnold,
opportunities and increase sales and
managing director of MassFresh, Massmart
Services; Victor Kgomoeswana, author
COLD LINK AFRICA • November | December 2016