Cold Link Africa Nov/Dec 2016 | Page 13

NEWS INCORPORATING COLD CHAIN Beware of forged refrigeration qualifications W hen the manager of a Checkout Supermarket Ackermann verified the ID number and corresponding in Lydenburg advertised for someone to do name on the application, whereafter Döbelin confirmed refrigeration maintenance at the store’s plant, that the ‘student’ in question never attended a course at he became suspicious when an applicant’s qualification OTTC and wasn’t even registered at the training centre. seemed a bit out of the ordinary. “I want to commend the manager for taking the When the manager wanted to verify that this applicant complied with all the requirements for working with refrigerants, he asked for proof of registration or qualification. He was presented with an OTTC course trouble to verify the suspicious-looking certificate,” said Ackermann. *The name and the ID number of the applicant is known to Cold Link Africa. certificate that did not refer to any specific course, nor to any registration by the South African Qualification and Rather safe than sorry Certification Committee (SAQCC) Gas. Always verify the details and the qualifications of job “It looked rather strange and the date was recent, applicants with the institution or training centre in even though he said he did the course some time ago,” question. It could save you a lot of trouble down the commented the manager, who subsequently phoned line. If you need help, feel free to contact Cold Link Isolde Döbelin of OTTC to verify the details. Africa and we’ll assist as far as we can. CLA Döbelin forwarded the details to John Ackermann, the editor of Cold Link Africa, and he investigated it further. “The certificate didn’t refer to any specific course or any specific unit standard and the wording was very suspicious,” said Ackermann. Scanned image of the fraudulent OTTC certificate. COLD LINK AFRICA • November | December 2016 13