Cold Link Africa May 2024 | Page 27

The fresh produce export industry in Kenya is a million-dollar industry , with vegetables , fruit and nuts accounting for over USD266.3-million worth of export revenue in 2020 .
Images supplied by InspiraFarms Cooling

Kenya ’ s Instaveg benefits from modular cold storage , pre-cooling and processing facility

By Sharon Cheboi of InspiraFarms Cooling

The fresh produce export industry in Kenya is a million-dollar industry , with vegetables , fruit and nuts accounting for over USD266.3-million worth of export revenue in 2020 .

In the same year , Kenya exported 314 thousand metric tons of fresh horticultural products . The sector is largely led by off-takers and exporters registered under the Horticultural Crops Directorate , who mostly contract small-scale farmers across the country . While most of the challenges faced by aggregators are related to the shortcomings and inefficiencies in the small-scale structure of the Kenyan agricultural sector , other significant constraints include the low adoption of cold storage .

With over 200 registered exporters in the subsector , smallholder farmers who would otherwise be dependent on local markets , are able to access high-value export markets . However , fresh produce is considered a substantially risky and volatile industry , attributed to the perishability of fresh fruits and vegetables . The low adoption rate of cold chain solutions has not made things any easier , with only about 5 % of fresh produce passing through cooling infrastructure . While approximately
96 % of fresh produce in Kenya caters to the
local consumer market , an average of 4 %
caters to the fresh export markets across
European nations .
One of these fresh produce exporters in
Kenya is Instaveg , tucked in rural Kirinyaga
Instaveg packing French beans in the processing facility for export to Europe .
County ; and made up of aggregators ,
processors and marketers . Their current
• Additionally , Instaveg received two
portfolio of export consists of garden peas ,
auxiliary facilities , with a total dimension
lemongrass , peas , French beans and baby
of 200m 2 , to provide areas for crate
corn . Within its network , Instaveg has 200
storage , additional office space , nursing ,
farms and 300 smallholder farmers who sell
bathrooms , security and staff canteen .
their produce from their farms ranging from
0.5 to 6 hectares .
This newest facility has helped Instaveg
Instaveg ’ s activities mainly cut across
become the biggest employer in their local
the procurement , distribution , produce
region , currently hiring predominantly rural
logistics , sorting , packaging and marketing
women of their surrounding community .
of the fresh produce for the export market
Moreover , Instaveg provides agronomy
predominantly . Within its farmer network ,
training and frequent quality control to
Instaveg faced several challenges , including ,
farmers in its network . Their team picks fresh
post-harvest losses due to inefficient cold
produce bi-weekly , with produce temporarily
chain facilities , failing to meet certification
left in the grading shed awaiting collection
Fine beans exporters in Kenya .
standards to access export markets .
by Instaveg ’ s 5.5Mt refrigerated trucks on
Initially , Instaveg utilised a rentedsponsored
the same day of harvest . Upon arrival on-
cooling facility , before adopting
site , the trucks are immediately offloaded ,
InspiraFarm ’ s modular cold storage . While
and produce is kept in InspiraFarms ’ cold
Vegetable cold rooms Kenya .
the rented-sponsored system provided
an alternative cooling solution , it failed to
meet the efficiency needed to retain quality
standards and ensure the shelf life required
before and after export . At the same time ,
the high running and maintenance costs for
these old cooling facilities that were over 30
years old , cut down their margins drastically .
• In 2021 , InspiraFarms delivered to
Instaveg a 440m 2 project , divided into
three independent facilities :
• A 240m 2 outdoor modular packhouse
facility , composed of 30m 2 of raw material
pre-cooling room , 30m 2 of cold storage ,
90m 2 of processing area , 60m 2 of offices ,
hygiene and crates storage , 15m 2 of
reception area , and 15m 2 of storage
space . The facility is suitable for medium
care food processing and has a capacity
of cooling and processing more than six
Cold room data loggers in Kenya
tons of fresh produce per day .
Cold rooms for mixed vegetables in Kenya .

COLD LINK AFRICA • May 2024 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za 27