Cold Link Africa May 2022 | Page 42

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Gerd Altmann | Pixabay
For the latest industry and association news , events / exhibitions information , articles , etc . visit our website
Most companies need to simplify the management of their complex business and are looking to differentiate through the application of technology .
An industry-centric , single view or digital twin of the business helps decision makers to identify variations to expected operational performance early . With this in hand , variations can be analysed and managed long before finance teams would typically become aware of them . The finance role can then transition to focus on strategic operational and financial improvement , fostering a continuous improvement mentality .
As Jim Collins talks about when referring to the ‘ flywheel effect ’, good-to-great transformations are unlikely to occur in a single step . A clearly articulated and communicated strategy that results in measurable , incremental improvements is key to successful , long-term transformation .
Unsurprisingly , when it comes to triggering organisational change , the business drivers are often a complex mix of customer expectations and demands for a better experience , a focus on operational effectiveness , and the need to meet stricter industry regulations and operating conditions . That ’ s why it ’ s important that applications software technology vendors speak the same language as the business . As an example , optimising the order to delivery process in an engineer-to-order or configure-to-order environment demands a single view of the product from concept through quote to build , delivery , and then on through life support . Anything less adds risk to the whole process .
As the old saying goes : ‘ The best time to
plant a tree was 20 years ago . The secondbest time is now .’ Organisations that have traditionally been slow to move still have time to catch up . The challenge is often creating the internal momentum - the first push on the flywheel . In true partnerships , when everyone speaks the same language , multiple stakeholders come together to create a more powerful outcome .
Don ’ t wait too long . Early adopters are now more agile , flexible , and efficient - and they could already be making inroads into their competitors ’ share of the market . The right partner , with the right industry experience and knowledge , will understand the value to be gained by overcoming challenges , defining a true roadmap to success . CLA
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42 www . coldlinkafrica . co . za COLD LINK AFRICA • May 2022